
Friday, 2 March 2018


Distinguished fellow deputies, 
Ladies and gentlemen, 
Your Excellencies, 
Distinguished media,

Maybe it may sound unusual that at the very beginning of today's meeting of the Committee on Political System and Inter-Ethnic Relations, I will ask all of us the question, or if you prefer, the dilemma - is the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia moving in a direction that ensures full realization of the principles of contemporary parliamentarism and parliamentary democracy? Of course, the dilemma, or the question, concerns primarily the exercise of the oversight role of the Assembly over the executive branch. In my opinion, I am convinced that as an Assembly we are on the right path, although we are still walking with small steps towards that goal. And, I shall clarify that this is my opinion primarily as an MP, and then as the President of the Assembly.

Allow me to remind you that this month, through various forms and events, precisely the oversight role of the Assembly is the focus of our engagement as MPs. Thereby, we must emphasize the sincere role and assistance that we receive from our international friends. Namely, in Wilton Park a particular attention was given to the debate on the oversight function of the Assembly. Last week here was held the Inter-Parliamentary Conference of the Committees on Financing and Budget of the Parliaments of region countries with the presence of MPs and experts from the European Parliament, which discussed the control of the Assembly over the budget starting from the stage of its inflow all the way to controlling budget spending.

Distinguished colleagues,

The Committee on Political System and Inter-Ethnic Relations, sometime in November 2017, adopted a conclusion that determined the need for standardization of the reports of bodies and institutions which submit reports to the Assembly, and which are under the authority of the Committee on Political System and Inter-Ethnic Relations, and such are 12 institutions. Of course, the purpose of this conclusion is that through the standardized form of reports to increase the efficiency in the work of the independent institutions, and at the same time as well as the efficiency of the Assembly and its working bodies, specifically the Committee on Political System and Inter-Ethnic Relations. I am convinced that with this we make several quality steps forward. This will not only affect the institutions, but also will contribute to improve the quality of accountability, and thus leading to better understanding and increased confidence of the public in the work of independent institutions. Surely, this will have a positive impact on the further strengthening of the oversight function of the Assembly over these institutions.  Throughout this process of standardization of the reports of independent institutions, as well as the strengthening of the oversight function of the Assembly, the OSCE Mission in Skopje is actively involved, which, if I can say so, is our traditional partner and supporter in this andf in many other projects and processes leading to the strengthening of the democratic capacity of the Assembly.   And, to return at the beginning of my speech and the asked question, that is, are we on the right path? Personally, I believe that this parliamentary majority has the political will and capacity for further strengthening of parliamentary democracy in our country. In addition, the Assembly has the key role and responsibility through the exercise of its three essential functions, the legislative, the representative and the oversight, that is, the control over the executive branch. I want to believe that the opposition also wants, above all, an independent Assembly, with a strong oversight function over the executive branch. Namely, in this way, the opposition will be able to be an active factor in the control over the executive branch, and at the same time, it will be able more effectively to articulate its program interests and commitments, for which it has received the votes of the electorate. However, at the same time, as a parliamentary opposition it shall take a part of the responsibility for the overall democratic processes in the country, and the challenges ahead of this parliamentary composition.

Therefore, I consider today's meeting of the Committee on Political System and Inter-Ethnic Relations as, perhaps at first glance, a small but qualitative contribution to the further strengthening of the democratic capacity of the Assembly, regardless of whether we are part of the majority or the opposition. Moreover, this represents an example of a positive practice which shall be followed also by other working bodies in the Assembly. I am convinced that as it was before, and from now on, the Mission of OSCE and all other international friends will help us in an unselfish way. 

Thank you for the attention.


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