
In 2017, the Government intensified the country's Euro-Atlantic integration efforts and marked reforms in the security and intelligence sector, as well as in those institutions authorized to supervise and control them, as urgent and necessary. This effort is aimed at securing a democratic transition and a return of public confidence in state the institutions. In this respect, DCAF proposed a strategic partnership with the Parliament, which resulted in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on 3 May 2018. 

Within this strategic cooperation the Parliament and DCAF agree to implement the Project "Development of parliamentary and independent oversight" as part of the broader DCAF-implemented Intelligence Sector Reform Program in the Republic of Macedonia 2017-2020. This Programme has two additional activity clusters: strengthening the judiciary’s ability to control the authorization and review process for the use of intrusive measures for information collection (IMIC) and finally, based on Government requests assist in reinforcing internal safeguards and accountability measures within intelligence services.


The overall objective of the Project is to support the development of parliamentary (and independent) oversight for Parliament to play a more effective role in the democratic governance of institutions within the intelligence and security sector.

The Project provides technical assistance, advice from local and external experts, review of draft legislation, training/workshops, study visits and support in the establishment of a secure and protected  meeting facility in the Parliament building, for the use of the two intelligence oversight committees. The aim is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and the creation of working conditions and procedures that help build parliamentary expertise and confidence in the conduct of intelligence oversight. The Project is expected to achieve the following results:

  • Elected members and staffers of intelligence oversight committees have increased awareness and expertise relevant for keeping intelligence services accountable;
  • Knowledge products are developed to fill in knowledge gaps and contribute to the development of independent analysis capacity within the committees;
  • The Intelligence Oversight Committees have increased ability to plan and conduct effective oversight activities.

For this purpose, members of the three security and intelligence oversight committees have jointly developed a Cooperation Action Plan for engagement with DCAF within the this Programme for the period 2018-2019, which defines type of support, responsibilities and time-lines. In order to further support the Parliament in addressing procedural requirements linked to new intelligence legislation, a parliamentary working group will be formed by mid-2018. The working group will be supported by DCAF.    

Contributing Countries    

As of mid-2018 the overall Programme is financially supported by the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Sweden with additional funding commitments by other donors. 

DCAF Point of Contacts 

Marc Remillard, Programme Manager, Operations Division South East Europe, DCAF
Email: m.remillard@dcaf.ch
Tel: +41 79 854 0970

Vlado Gjerdovski, National Parliamentary Liaison Officer, Operations Division South East Europe, DCAF 
Email: v.gjerdovski@dcaf.ch
Tel: +389 71 346 920
