Parliamentary Leadership

Friday, 11 January 2013

Statement of the President Veljanoski on the occasion of scheduling the local elections

Distinguished citizens, 
Distinguished Representatives of the Media 

Allow me to inform you that in accordance with the legal obligation, as a President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and in accordance with the timelines established with the Election Code, I have ratified the Decree Scheduling the Elections of Council Members in the Municipalities and the Council of the City of Skopje and for Mayor of Municipalities and the mayor of the City of Skopje.

The legal provisions envisage that the legal elections shall be held in the second half of March, while the legal timeline- fro 70 to 90 days provides two dates for elections.

The former being 24 March and the later - 31 March 2013. Since 31 March is a great religious holiday- Easter for the Members of the Catholic Religion, I have decided to schedule the local elections on 24 March 2013.

The Decree Scheduling the Elections will be submitted to the State Election Committee of the Republic of Macedonia as a body that executes the elections.

I call upon all participants in the election process, to guide and harmonize their behaviour and activities with the provisions of the Constitution and Laws alone, providing, in a most dignified manner, continuity of the most positive evaluations for the execution of this especially significant process.

Every election process should mean maintaining and upgrade of the received positive evaluation on the prior process. We shall impose maximum efforts the Republic of Macedonia to hold another fair and democratic elections, in direction of accomplishing the strategic Euro-Atlantic determination, as well as for the benefit of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia.

It is necessary, all together to send a strong message that we have capacity to face the challenges and the most significant issues, to rise above the hard moments in a joint and unified manner.


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