Biographical data:
- Born 30.04.1944, in Lukovo
- Graduated from the Academy of Pedagogy in Skopje in 1967
- Graduated from the Faculty of Law in Skopje in 1974
- Passed the bar examination in 1977 in Skopje
- Masters degree from the Faculty of Law in Skopje in 1984

More important positions and duties

-1967 - 1974 worked as a teacher
- Head of the Department for General and Legal Affairs in the State Statistics Office - Skopje
- Secretary of the Committee on Social and Political Affairs of the Council of the municipality of Karposh - Skopje
- Secretary of the Committee on Associated Labor of the Council of the Municipality of Karposh - Skopje
- Deputy to the Public Procurator in the field of Social Self-Government of the City of Skopje
- Secretary of the Council of the Municipality of Centar - Skopje
- Chief National Labor Inspector
- Secretary of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia from 04.03.1997 to 29.12.1998

He has published numerous scientific articles in the newspapers and periodicals in the Republic of Macedonia.
