
Thursday, 28 may 2009

Afghanistan topped the agenda of the Oslo NATO PA session

 The Delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia participated at the Spring Session that tоок place from 22 to 26 of May in Oslo, Norway. The delegation was composed of Members of the Parliament:  Mr. Talat Xhaferi, Head of Delegation, Mr. Xhemail Jasari and Mr. Pavle Trajanov,  Deputy Members of Delegation. 

Afghanistan topped the agenda of the NATO PA. Under the Presidency of the US Congressman John Tanner, the NATO sees role for itself in building public support in their counties for NATO International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. He emphasized the importance of NATO working as a team with redoubling their effort and with a shared commitment.  He said that those who can't do the military tasks should do the reconstruction work.

The parliamentarians addressed the New Strategic Concept and they give support to its changes, bearing in mind the strategic environment and changing of NATO itself since the current Strategic Concept was approved 10 years ago.

The violence against women and girls in wartime was discussed during the session with emphasis that this issue is not just a gender - specific issue but a crucial security issue, which must be treated as a matter of extreme urgency having regard to the extent of the phenomenon as a very brutal criminal act during wartime. All the participants were in agreement in saying that it was essential for the international community to join forces and take action to protect the civil population.

NATO enlargement is one of the most successful stories and this process will continue in the future. In that direction NATO PA - Georgia antiparliamentary Council was created.

NATO PA condemns North Korean nuclear test and he asked North Korea to return to the Six Party negotiations without conditions and work toward a solution that improves the security of the Korean peninsula and the broader region.

Some 300 Members of Parliament of the 28 NATO members counties and the partner countries also discussed other important international security issues.


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