
Sunday, 15 November 2009

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski, sent a letter to the EU member states asking for support for receiving the date for opening the accession negotiations

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski, sent a letter to the EU member states appealing for support from his colleagues for adoption of a decision by the European Council in December on the date for opening the accession negotiations In his letter the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia wrote: „In the framework of the process of European integration, I avail myself of this opportunity, in light of the forthcoming European Council in December 2009, to ask for your support concerning an issue of crucial importance for my country - opening of accession negotiations with the European Union.

In its 2009 Progress Report on the Republic of Macedonia the European Commission acknowledged the country’s efforts and achievements in meeting the EU membership criteria and standards, and recommended opening of accession negotiations. It is with great satisfaction that the Macedonian public has received the Commission recommendation which reaffirms the attainability of the EU membership perspective and the shared ideals and values. This is an additional motivation for all the factors in the country to give even more efficient contribution to the implementation of the planned reforms. In this regard, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia continues to take measures aimed at making the legislative process for harmonization with the EU acquis more effective, as well as for reaching the necessary political consensus for implementation of the country’s EU agenda.

I would like to use this opportunity to also refer to the bilateral dispute over the name of our country with the Hellenic Republic. I would like to assure you that we are strongly committed to early settlement of this issue, and we are confident that this can be achieved with mutual constructiveness and flexibility, in the spirit of European cooperation. We continue to have an active and constructive approach regarding the talks held under UN auspices, maintaining their intensified dynamics aimed at finding a reasonable compromise solution acceptable for both sides as soon as possible.

The opening of negotiations with the Republic of Macedonia would encourage the other countries in the Region to further pursue with the pre-accession reforms, and it will reaffirm the credibility of the EU enlargement policy “.



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