
Monday, 7 september 2009

Address by the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia Mr. Trajko Veljanoski on the Reception for the Independence Day of the republic of Macedonia, 8th of September

Distinguished President of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Gorge Ivanov
Distinguished Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Nikola Gruevski
Distinguished First President of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Kiro Gligorov
Distinguished colleagues, Members of Parliament Distinguished Ministers,
Distinguished Representatives of the Religious Communities
Your excellences, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,
8th of September 1991 and the two Ilindens are the three dates in the history of the Macedonian people and of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia which are closely connected with the century’s long aspirations, struggles and dreams for an independent country.

On the 8th of September 1991 these aspirations and dreams became reality with the proclamation of the referendum results, when over 95 percent of the population voted in favour of creating an independent and sovereign Republic of Macedonia.

Today, while celebrating the 18th anniversary, we can say with pleasure and pride that the Republic of Macedonia is a sovereign and independent entity, member of all the international organizations. Fundamental reforms have been made. Most importantly, the introduced legal order is based on human rights and freedoms, the principles of political pluralism, private property and market economy, as foundations for every democratic society.

A solid civil society has been introduced, based on the citizens and their interests. The constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, as the highest legal act which regulates the statehood on which the entire legislation is based, was adopted in this very Assembly, for which on this occasion I would like to express special gratitude to the Members of the first parliamentarian composition.

Dear friends

It is human to dream and to have aspirations and commitments. If in the previous century they were statehood and independence, in the 21st century they are directed towards certain political, historical and cultural values, to which in essence we have always belong to, i.e. Europe and the membership in the European Union and NATO.

Today, while celebrating 18 years from our independence, I believe that we are much closer to accomplishment of our commitments. We received a recommendation for visa regime liberalization, thus abolishing the Shengen wall, which for our citizens was higher than the Berlin Wall. We deserve this because we have adopted and implemented all recommendations and standards which today are part of the legal system in the European Union Member Countries. 

Ladies and gentlemen

In approximately one month, the progress report on the Republic of Macedonia will be published in Brussels. The Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, as a legislative house, as well as pillar of the parliamentary democracy, adopted the necessary laws, stated in the EU recommendations.

Therefore, we, as politicians and as citizens, can rightfully expect to receive the report which will contain the date for the start of accession negotiations. In addition, I would like to emphasize two dimensions. 

The reforms which we are implementing should not be seen as something imposed form outside, but as our determination for a state which is governed by the rule of law, democracy and human rights and freedoms, professional state administration - a state in which the Macedonian citizens will enjoy the same standards available to the citizens of the European Union.

Therefore, we expect, the European Commission to assess our results according to these standards and principles.

We are all aware what happened at the last NATO Summit in Bucharest. However, I, together with 90 percent of the citizens of Macedonia, believe that the European institutions respect and will evaluate the progress of the Republic of Macedonia in accordance with these standards.

I would like to believe that our southern neighbor, respecting its democratic tradition, will also honour the European standards and criteria, since our approaching and membership in the EU will not only benefit Macedonia, but also the region in general.

Dear friends,

At the end, I would like to congratulate the 8th of September to all of you and to all the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. I believe that we will continue to dream, but also that we will work diligently and efficiently towards a European Macedonia.

For an honorable and eternal 8th of September!


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