
Tuesday, 2 June 2009, 11 a.m. - Hall 1

Fifty-Eight Session of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia

(started on 1 June)


5.      Draft-law on Military Academy- first reading.

6.      Draft-law on Amending the Law on Public Companies - first reading

7.      Draft-law on Internal Affairs

8.      Draft-law on Proclamation of the Location Alshar as Natural Monument - first reading

9.      Draft law on Amending the Law on Environment - first reading

10.   Draft-law (with amendments) on Social Protection - second reading

11.  Draft-strategy on Managing the Public Debt of the Republic of Macedonia for the period 2009-2011

12.  Report on the Work of the Broadcast Council for the period 1 January 2008 - 31 December 2008.

13.  Financial Report of the Broadcast Council for 2008.
