
Thursday, 18 March 2010

13th Meeting of the National European-Integration Council

The National European-Integration Council, on its 17th Meeting, debated on the Multiannual Agreement on financing 2007-2010 from the Instrument on Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) for the Fifth Component- Rural Development 

Ms. Emmanuelle Guiheneuf, Head of Operations Section 2, participated in this meeting as a Representative from the Delegation of EU on the Republic of Macedonia. It was underlined, during the discussion, that the efforts from the Ministry of Finances are appreciated and that the implementation of the financial assistance will remain to be a big challenge. 

Mr. Ljupcho Dimovski, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources Management provided summery on the Multiannual Agreement on Financing. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources Management communicated with the associations and Unions of agrarians in the Republic of Macedonia in order to inform them on the benefits from the IPARD funds. As a result of this campaign, 120 applications have been submitted up to now. The Government of the Republic of Macedonia adopted a decision, which authorizes the IPARD Agency and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources Management to consult the business banks, in direction of signing special memorandums on acceptance of the business plans submitted by the applicants to IPARD Agency. This should facilitate the process of granting credits form these banks. The IPARD Agency should establish close cooperation with the Agency on Cadastre, in order to send the cadastral property lists, electronically, to all the applicants.

Ms. Silvana Boneva, MP; Mr. Aleksandar Krzalovski, Representative of the Citizen Platform of Macedonia; Mr. Gjoko Danailov, Representative from the Farmers’ Federation of the Republic of Macedonia; Mr. Veljo Tantarov Representative of the Agrarians’ Union; Mr. Eftim Shkalev, Representative of the Agrarian Association, Mr. Zoran Danevski, Head of “Agrobiznis” Chamber and Ms. Gabriela Miceva, Representative of the Centre on Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture Practices and Rural Development participated in the discussion through suggestions and recommendations. 


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