
Wednesday, 10 March 2010

30th Meeting of the Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources Management

At its 30th meeting held on 5 March, the Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources Management, as the relevant working body, reviewed the Draft-law on Amending the Law on Law on Plants Health (first reading)

Mr. Perica Ivanovski, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources Management, attended the meeting in the capacity of Government representative. He pointed out that the primary aim of the amendments is the implementation of the European Directive 2000/29, creating a framework for adoption of by-laws and for completing the list of dangerous bacteria and other pests of the plants.
Mr. Jovan Ginev, Mr. Vasko Šutarov, Mr. Panče Dameski and Mr. Nikola Kjurkčiev participated in the debate. 

The Committee unanimously adopted the following conclusion:
The Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Water Resources Management reviewed the Draft-law on Amending the Law on Plants Health and concluded that it is acceptable and that it should proceed to further reading in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. 


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