
Friday 24 September 2010


Distinguished Member of the European Parliament, Mr. Yorgo Chatzimarkakis,
Distinguished Representatives of FIA,
Distinguished President of AMSM,
Distinguished Representatives of the State Council on Safety of Road Traffic,
Ladies and gentlemen,

The Safety of the Road Traffic, as part of the overall traffic is a topic and an issue which has widest social interest since this area includes people. In the same time this issue, especially in these dynamic processes of globalization is also receiving a global dimension. The very fact that 1.3 million people in the world are killed in traffic accidents every year and the material and other consequences cannot be calculated, clearly shows that this is a global issue. That is why the United Nations proclaimed 2011-2020 to be the Decade of the Safety on Roads and a adopted a special Resolution.

The solution of this issue must be primarily found on local or state level, then regional level and afterwards Europe and wider. Today’s round table which involves all domestic entities and institutions authorized for road safety as well as our friends from Europe is certainly a good opportunity to see how much we, as a state, have advanced in this area. In the same time we have an opportunity to exchange opinions with our European friends. I would say that this is a big step towards the accomplishment of the goals on the state level, as well as accomplishment of the goals of the UN Resolution and other documents of EU.

Ladies and gentlemen

Facing the increased number of accidents on the roads in the past five years, the Republic of Macedonia adopted the Law on Safety on Roads, as well as other relevant acts. As one of the important documents, in accordance with the obligations deriving from the candidacy for membership in the EU, in 2008 the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia adopted the National Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia for Promotion of the Safety of the Road Traffic.

The National Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia on the Safety of the Road Traffic, analyzing the causes and the circumstances for the traffic accidents, is based on various laws and other documents, such as the Law on Public Roads, the Law on Safety of the Road Traffic, the National Health Program, as well as on other relevant European regulations and practices.

This means that the Strategy includes inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral activities and measures. Following the plans and acts of the European Union, this Strategy aims to reduce the number of victims in the traffic accidents in the Republic of Macedonia by 50%, and the number of children-victims of traffic accidents to zero - reduced to minimum. I believe that you will all agree that the most important issue when we consider measures for reduction of traffic accidents, especially reduction of the children-victims, is education. This education should start in the family and through the education system we should create generations with highly developed “traffic culture” and sense of responsibility as participants in the traffic. The National Program’s long-term focuses are the following strategic areas: increasing the awareness of the citizens for the need of education about traffic and continuous education and professional training.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Safety on the roads is one of the highest priorities for the Republic of Macedonia. The Government and other relevant institutions, including the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, work seriously and actively on the implementation and efficient realization of the goals of the National Strategy, aiming to provide safe roads. The National Coordinating Body, established on the level of the Government, monitors the realization of the Strategy, reviews and coordinates the preparation of the annual action plans and reports, and gives guidelines for further improvement of the safety in the traffic. Also, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, which has adopted the National Program and which appoints the Members of the State Council through the competent committees, can monitor the implementation of the National Strategy and give its opinion and suggestions. Certainly, as a Parliament we will continue with harmonization with the Acquis and the EU directives referring to these issues.

Finally, I wish you successful work, and to our guests, I wish a pleasant stay in the Republic of Macedonia.

Thank you.


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