
Monday, 04 October 2010 


Your Holiness, Archbishop Stefan,
Distinguished Members of the Holy Synod, 
Distinguished Members of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts,  
Your Excellences,
Ladies and Gentlemen, 

This year the Republic of Macedonia, with various events and scientific meetings, is marking 1001 years since the death of St. Naum the Miracle Maker. We are especially pleased that the marking of the anniversary includes various state, educational and scientific institution, including the Macedonian Orthodox Church and other organizations, which demonstrates that as a state, as a nation, as citizens, we are preserving and nourishing our historical and cultural heritage. 

Speaking about St. Naum and his work, we must refer to the work of St. Clement from Ohrid, and their work is of course based on the work of their teachers - Ss. Cyril and Methodius. Following their teachers in Moravia, St. Naum and St. Clement of Ohrid, they establish the missionary work, which means spreading the teaching of Christ, at the same time establishing monasticism. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

With the development of the Cyrillic alphabet by Ss. Cyril and Methodius, the establishing of the Clement School in Ohrid, the Bible, the Gospels, the prayers and the hymns, which until then were accessible only in Latin and Greek, became available to the Slavic people in Europe. 

This was the linguistic basis for the establishment, development and codification of the mother tongues of the Slavonic people, thus creating the rich cultural and spiritual heritage which today is a significant part of the European, cultural and civilizational values. 
The cradle of the European civilization is here, in the Republic of Macedonia, in ancient Ohrid. This is the basis of the national, cultural and linguistic identity of the Macedonian nation. 

Following Ss. Cyril and Methodius and their students and followers, St. Clemet and St. Naum, we as their disciples do not seek exclusiveness, but as always, we are open and we share our cultural and civilizational values. At the same time, we have always managed to preserve and protect our national, cultural and linguistic identity from all those who tried to deny our identity. 

Ladies and gentlemen, 

Today, there are many books on about the life and work of St. Naum the Miracle Maker - as he was named by the people, written by scientists and specialists not only from the Republic of Macedonia but also from the Balkan region and Europe. Also, many scientists and scholars point out that the life of St. Naum still remains a challenge for serious scientific research. I believe that today, when we are marking 11 centuries since his death, this will be an additional motive, primarily all for the young generation to continue with the research on his work. St. Naum and his work were inspiration for many literary works of Macedonian writers. His glory and his miracles can be found in the works of Slavko Janevski, Blaze Koneski, Bogomil Gjuzel, and Petre Bakevski. 

Dead friends, 

I believe that when we mention St. Naum, our first association is his monastery and monastery complex, built in the most beautiful part on the shores of Ohrid Lake dedicated to St. Archangel. 

11 centuries ago in this monastery St. Naum established monasticism and human medicine, treating various diseases, and according to some sources, psychological conditions. This is one of the most famous spiritual and religious objects in the Republic of Macedonia and in Europe. 

It is interesting that after his death people from Ohrid and its surroundings created stories and legends about the miraculous powers of St. Naum, about his virtue and righteousness, originating from his strong faith in God and love of neighbour. 

This cult about St. Naum was spread to Korcha, but also in the neighbouring countries, Romania and Hungary. The cult of St. Naum during these 11 centuries has continuously developed, and it was accepted and respected by the members of other religions as well. 

All this shows the magnitude of St. Naum and his work, as well as the rich folklore of the Macedonian nation. 

Distinguished friends,
Ladies and gentlemen, 

This is proof that 11 centuries ago Macedonia was not on the periphery of the ancient world. On the contrary, it was a religious, spiritual and educational centre, from which spiritual and cultural values were spread. The Macedonian nation and the other ethnic communities living in the Republic of Macedonia today can proudly say that this is the land where Ss. Cyril and Methodius, St. Naum and St. Clement lived and worked. I would like to remind you that we recently marked the centenary of the birth of Blessed Mother Teresa, who through her infinite faith in God and life of humanity will be remembered as the greatest humanitarian of the 20th century.

Today, as their successors, we have the responsibility to nurture and promote the values left to us by these great people, and we have the obligation to convey these values to the future generations. 

Finally, allow me, on my personal behalf and on behalf of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, to express deepest appreciation for the work and the mission of St. Naum the Miracle Maker. 

Thank you. 


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