
Monday, 01 March 2010

Meeting between the Parliamentary Group from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia  on Cooperation with the Parliament from the Republic of Croatia and the Delegation from the Republic of Croatia

The Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia  on Cooperation with the Parliament from the Republic of Croatia, Ms. Blagorodna Dulik and the Members Ms. Nadica Tancheva- Tulieva, Mr. Panche Dameski and Mr. Vasko Shutarov had a meeting with the Delegation from the Republic of Croatia on the occasion of the Annual Meeting of the Croatian Community in the Republic of Macedonia.  

 Ms. Ivana Roksandik- MP from the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia, Mr. Ivan Kujungik- Ambassador from the Republic of Croatia to the Republic of Macedonia, Mr Stjepan Glas- Advisor in the Embassy, Ms. Snezana Trojachanec- Head of the Croatian Community in the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Petar Barishik-  officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the republic of Croatia, Mr. Milan Boshnjak- Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Croatia and Mr. Misho Hep, Head of the Croatian Community in Hungary  composed the Delegation from the Republic of Croatia.

During the meeting it was underlined that the Croatian Community is fully accepted in the Republic of Macedonia and that  the diversities  are respected in every area, including the area of culture, language etc. 

The Republic of Croatia was said to be an example of a state which is fighting for the minority rights. 

It was underlined that the connections between the Macedonian and Croatian people have always been on a very high level and that there are no open issues between these two states. 

The emotional connection between these two nations and their mutual goal were also underlined, as well as the cooperation in every area, which will continue in the future. 


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