
Tuesday, 09 February 2010

Introductory Address by the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Veljanoski on the Public Debate on the occasion of 9th February- the European Day on Safer Internet 

Distinguished Colleagues
Ladies and Gentlemen
We leave in a world where the globalisation processes are part of our everyday lives. The internet as one of the basic tools is in the framework of these globalization processes. Today, every one coming at work, school, university first of all plugs in the computer , reviews the  e-mail, reads the news, enrols in the working or educational process, and if you wish, simply sees what is new on the web-pages they visit daily. If we add social networks like Facebook, Skype then it is very clear that we can hardly imagine our everyday, professional and social life, leisure time even politics without internet. Today, many politicians have their use their blogs for debate. This means that the number of “internet citizens” is constantly increasing.

On the other hand, the internet, as well as other civilization benefit, can be abused for personal benefit, but also we can abuse it in since of unauthorised access and manipulation with personal data or presentation of misleading information. Even worse is the fact that the internet is abused for violation of the basic ethic norms without which we cannot speak about humans and humanity.

The fact that these violations are not rare but a chronic disease present in everyday society, and become global problem is even more concerning.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Speaking about the social deviation and criminal, by rule, the children are the biggest victims. Maybe this is because of their curiosity or will to learn something more they become victims of the abused internet. Another dimension is that the children are more addicted to internet, which is social and medical problem. 

9th February is the European Day on Safer Internet. I am especially pleased that the Delegation from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia  in the Joint Parliamentary Committee- the Republic of Macedonia – EU together with the NGO organise today’s debate.  


4 years ago Macedonia was on the bottom of the list of internet users. During this period we have managed to be recognised as a state and society with dynamic growth of the usage of the Internet and today we are in the upper part of this list. The Government and its “Computer  for Each Child” Project guided this progress, and today every child has unlimited access to Internet. Certainly, other entities contributed, from the NGO Sector to the economy entities, which provided internet access for every family, for every institution, for every university. 

Allow me to remind that the E-Parliament in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia was acknowledged by the most developed states in this area, the overall legislative process in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia is being conducted electronically.

The legislative process is transparent, nevertheless this process must be protected and secured and our IT department provided this protection and transparency.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Certainly this situation leaves space for misusing of the Internet, and as I have said, our children are the victims. Our responsibility as institutions and as parents is to protect them. It is our duty to know how and with whom they are “blogging”. 

How can we provide safer internet? In my opinion we cannot expect one institution or one discipline to answer this question, but there must be cooperation between disciplines, departments, but also inclusion of the NGO sector and the Private sector. In the same time we must keep the freedom of access to information, and prevent violation of human rights.

The teachers through the education process also have an important role; they should monitor and educate students about the dangers of internet. In my opinion it is very important to create consciousness for safer internet, and the NGOs and media also have their role in this process. 

Ladies and Gentlemen

I believe that we will hear many concrete proposals, opinions and taken measures. I am also convinced that the process for creating safer internet for our children will continue with permanent care from every competent entity, regardless if they are state institutions, NGOs etc. 

As a President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia I will underline that we need certain amendments or new laws, and I am convinced that as a legislative house we will adopt, with consensus, such proposal, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.

Allow me, in the end to wish you successful and fruitful work, so that we can protect our children, ourselves and “surf” safely the Internet.  

Thank you


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