
Thursday, 11 March 2010

Meeting between the Coordinators of the Parliamentarians Groups in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and the Delegation from the Republic of Slovenia

The Coordinators of the Parliamentarians Groups, Ms.Silvana Boneva, Ms. Cvetanka Ivanova, Mr. Tahir Hani, Mr. Abedin Zumberi and Mr. Stojan Andov had a meeting with the Delegation from the Republic of Slovenia, , headed by the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Pavel Gantar. 

The Delegation was comprised of Mr. Joshko Godec, Head of the Parliamentarian Grouop, Mr. Bogdan Barovik, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on European Issues and Mr. Alan Brian Bergant, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the Republic of Macedonia.

The Coordinators of the Parliamentarians Groups  expressed their appreciation for the consistent support provided by the Republic of Slovenia in the realization of the strategic goal of the Republic of Macedonia, the Euro-Atlantic integration, for the positive Progress report, due to the efforts made by the Slovenian MEPs Mr. Zoran Thaler and Ms. Tanja Fayon. 

The obstacles which the Republic of Macedonia is facing, that is the name issue and its solution were also topic of discussion during the meeting.

Mr. Gantar underlined that the prolongation id the EU Integration, not only of the Republic of Macedonia but of the whole region is concerning, since it creates security risks. He underlined that EU should be interested in inclusion of these countries in the European family.
The guests suggested that Macedonia should use the period of the Spanish Presidency, to negotiate with the Republic of Greece and to show  will for solution of this issue. 


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