
Tuesday, 25 May 2010 , Rome

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski met the president of the chamber of deputies of the republic of italy, mr. gianfranco fini

The Delegation from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia headed by the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski and comprised of the Coordinator of the PG of MVRO-DPMNE - Ms. Silvana Boneva, the Deputy Coordinator of the PG of DUI - Mr. Safet Neziri, the Deputy Coordinator of the PG of SDSM - Mr. Marjanco Nikolov, the Deputy Coordinator of the PG of NSDP, LP and NA - Mr. Goran Misovski had a meeting with the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Republic of Italy, Mr. Gianfranco Fini

On the meeting, held in a friendly atmosphere, both Presidents referred to the economy crisis and its consequences experienced by every state. The President Fini informed the Members of the Delegation that the Italian Parliament will soon debate on the reshuffling of the budget, which should be soon submitted by the Government and which should cut the expenses. In the same time he was interested for the manner on which Macedonia is dealing with the consequences of the crisis. 

Both Presidents agreed that they should appeal to Brussels for building the Corridor 8, which is very important for the Region. They agreed that efforts for providing finances should be made, bearing in mind the economic crisis. 

The President Fini was interested in the name issue between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Greece, but expressed his convenience that the issue will be solved and that Macedonia should be dedicated to find a solution for the issue and in the same time will be dedicated on the reforms in the area of security. 

The President Fini stated that he and his state are convinced that the Republic of Macedonia and the surrounding states should be part of the EU, above all because of the stability of the region; and as the Italian Foreign Minister stated recently- the bilateral issues should be solved regardless of the accession to the European Community.  
President Fini greeted the work in the area of interethnic relations in the Republic of Macedonia and underlined that this is especially respected and evaluated by Brussels.  

The President Veljanoski underlined that beside the fact that our Southern neighbour uses the right of veto for receiving a date on opening accession negotiations, which was a negative step in the process of building trust between the two neighbour states,t he Republic of Macedonia remains dedicated on the reforms and preparations for accession in EU, guided by the aim for improving the overall life of its citizens, and becoming a member of the European family after being fully prepared. 

The President Fini gladly accepted the invitation from the President of the Assembly of the republic of Macedonia, Mr. Veljanoski to visit the Republic of Macedonia.    



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