
Tuesday, 04 May 2010 

The President of THE Assembly of THE Republic of macedonia, Mr. Trajko veljanoski welcomed the vice- prime minister of the state of israel mr. avigdor lieberman 

Both sides underlined that the bilateral relations are very good and are moving forward, which benefits the two states and the region in general.

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, making chronological review of the relations between the two nations underlined that these relations have started during the 15th century, when Sephardic Jews were inhabiting this area. The President underlined that through the centuries a true symbiosis was created, which unfortunately was interrupted violently in 1943, when over 7200 Macedonian Jews were deported to Treblinka where they were brutally killed

„This unity, but also this tragedy of our co-citizens is part of our historical memory, and there is a single message- the Holocaust shall never be repeated” underlined Mr. Veljanoski

Referring to the parliamentary cooperation between the Assembly and the Knesset, the President Veljanoski underlined that the Assembly has established a group on friendship with Israel. 

„Also I expect to realise the official visit, upon an official invitation from my respected colleague Ruvlen Rivali, President of the Knesset by the end of this or at the beginning of the next year. All this proves the dynamic and friendly relations and that is why I expect Israel to continue to support the Republic of Macedonia in the accomplishment of our strategic goals, is integration in EU . 

The President Veljanoski referred to the economic relations which still do not follow the political relations. 

„I think that both economies and business communities have interest to develop higher forms of economic cooperation” emphasised Mr. Veljanoski. 

The Vice Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr. Avigor Lieberman, expressing his gratitude for the meeting, underlined that the Israel and the people from Israel appreciate the fact the Jews have lived and still live in peace, unity and security in Macedonia. In the framework of the overall bilateral relations, the parliamentary cooperation has significant place. 

„That is why, I expect you to visit Israel by the end of this year, since we, as relatively young democracies have many things to learn from each other” underlined the Foreign Affairs Minister Mr. Lieberman. 

„ Israel pays great attention to the creation of highly developed relations with the states from the region, and in this framework we highly appreciate the relations with the Republic of Macedonia which has significant role in the stability of the whole region” stated Mr. Lieberman 

„That is why Israel will continue its principle support for the Republic of Macedonia in the accomplishment of its strategic determinations for EU and NATO Membership. I will leave Macedonia with the impression that you as multiethnic and muticonfessional state has built a society of high tolerance and respect of the differences. I think that your example should be followed by the states from the region and wider” underlined the Vice Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr. Avigor Lieberman 



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