
Wednesday, 24 March 2010, Brussels

Participation of the Delegation from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia on the Seminar on MPs and Officials from the parliaments of the Western Balkan Countries

The Directorate on Relations with the Parliaments from the Western Balkan Countries organized a Seminar on MPs and Officials from the Parliaments of the Western Balkan Countries   on the topic “Budgetary Competences of the Parliaments” in Brussels, on 23 and 24 March 2010. Delegation from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia comprised of the MPs: Jovan Manasijevski, Oliver Derkovski, Mile Andonov and Hisen Xhemaili participated in this Seminar. 

Mr. Goran Ferm, Member of the European Committee on Budget, opened the seminar with a presentation of the competences, challenges and changes after the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in context of the budget procedure. 

The Commissioner on Budget and Financial  Programming, Mr. Jonus Levandovski, on the meeting in the European Commission contributed with the presentation on the multiannual budgetary framework and its limitations for each fiscal year. 

Mr. Jean Pier Odi, MEP and Chairman of the Committee on Budgetary Control discussed the competences of the European Parliament and the Procedure of budgetary oversight. 

Experiences for the budgetary oversights of the Western Balkan Countries were exchanged during the discussions.

Mr. Jovan Manasijevski, MP had a presentation on the parliamentary budget oversight. He underlined the priorities for providing constitutional position of the State Audit Institute, for strengthening the relation between the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and the State Audit Institute as well as the need for establishing the Committee on Public Accounts in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. 


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