
Friday, 18 June 2010

Public debate on the draft-law on authors’ rights and similar rights 

The Committee on Culture held a Public Debate on the draft-law on Authors’ Right and Similar rights. The introductory address was provided by Mr. Vasko Shutarov , the Chairman of the Committee and Ms. Elizabeta Kanceska- Milevska, Minister of Culture

Representatives from the production agencies, agencies on protection of intellectual property, media and artists were invited on the Public Debate. 

Representatives from ZAMP, KOMIP, MMI, the Cable Operator Cable Tel, The Broadcasting Council, the weekly magazine FORUM, Association of Photo Reporters of the Republic of Macedonia , the centre for Development of the Media and Representatives from the Authors’ Agency participated in the discussion. 

The Minister of Culture, Ms. Elizabeta Kanceska Milevska heard all remarks aiming to provide quality solution which will enable articulation of the all stakeholders. 


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