
Tuesday, 29 March 2011, 16:00, Hall 3

121st meeting of the legislative committee  


1.Draft-law Amending the Law on Craftsmen Activities- I reading

2.Draft-law Amending the Law on Catering Industry- I reading

3.Draft-law Amending the Law on Waters- I reading

4.Draft-law Appending the Law on Registration of the Residence of the Citizens- I reading

5.Draft-law Amending the Law on Security of Persons and Property- I reading

6.Draft-law Amending the Law on Waste Management- I reading

7.Draft-law Amending the Law on Living Environment- I reading

8.Draft-law Amending the Law on Seed and Seeding Materials for Agriculture Plants- I reading

9.Draft-law on Detective Activities- I reading

10.Draft-law Amending the Law on Safety of Food for Animals- I reading

11.Draft-law Amending the Law on Safety of the Road Traffic- I reading

12.Draft-law Amending the Law on Forests- I reading

13.Draft-law Amending the Law on Secondary Education- I reading

14.Draft-law Amending the Law on Protection of the Rights of Patients- I reading

15.Draft-law Amending the Law on Institutions- I reading

16.Draft-law Amending the Law on Authors’ Rights and Similar Rights- I reading

17.Draft-law Amending the Law on Libraries- I reading

18.Draft-law Amending the Law on Personal Name- I reading

19.Draft-law Amending the Law on ID Cards- I reading

20.Draft-law Amending the Law on Guarantee- I reading

21.Draft-law Amending the Law on Donations and sponsorships in Public Activities- I reading

22.Draft-law Amending the Law on Travel Documents- I reading

23.Draft-law Amending the Law on Vehicles- I reading

24.Draft-law Amending the Law on Registry in the Area of Heath Care- I reading

25.Draft-law Amending the Law on Wine- I reading

26.Draft-law Amending the Law on State inspectorate for Agriculture- I reading

27.Draft-declaration on Promotion of the Situation and the Rights of Roma
Submitted by: Liljana Popvska, Silvana Boneva, Darka Petrushevska, Vele Gjorgievski, Violeta Tasheva, Nada Stanchevska, Marija Rashovska, Amdi Bajram, Katerina Dimeska 

28.Draft-law Amending the Law on Primary Education- I reading

29.Draft-law Amending the Law on Audio-visual Goods- I reading

30.Draft-law Amending the Law on Culture- I reading

31.Draft-law Amending the Law on Protection of Children- I reading

32.Draft-law Amending the Law on Sanitary and health Inspection- I reading

33.Draft- law Amending the Law on Education for Adults- I reading

34.Draft-law Amending the Law on Safety of Food- I reading

35.Draft-law Amending the Law on One-Stop-Shop System and Registry of Other Legal Entities- I reading

36.Draft-law Amending the Law on Civil Procedure- I reading

37.Draft-law Amending the Law on Accreditation- I reading

38.Draft-law Amending the Law on Agriculture and Rural Development- I reading

39.Draft-law Amending the Law on Fishing and Aquaculture- I reading

40.Draft-law Amending the Law on Agriculture Activities- I reading

41.Draft-law Amending the Law on Chemicals- I reading

42.Draft-law Amending the Law on Sport- I reading

43.Draft-law Amending the Law on Museums- I reading

44.Draft-law Amending the Law on Education Inspection- I reading

45.Draft-law Amending the Law on Tourist Activity- I reading

46.Draft-law Cable Railways and Ski-lifts- I reading

47.Draft-law Amending the Law on University Education- I reading

48.Draft-law Appending the Law on Supply of Drinking Water and Elimination Water Waters- I reading

49.Draft-law Amending the Law on Employment and Insurance in Cases of Unemployment- I reading

50. Draft-law Amending the Law on Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices- I reading
