
Wednesday, 28 March 2012


There are no open issues between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Croatia, and the bilateral relations in every area in the past twenty years are constantly progressing- this is common evaluation of the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski and the Speaker of the Croatian Parliament, Mr. Boris Šprem. 

At the meeting, the President Veljanoski, congratulating Croatia on the finalization of the accession negotiations with the European Union, reminded that the Euro-Atlantic integrations are constant determination for both states. 

We have walked the path for membership in NATO, but on the Bucharest Summit, because of well known reasons, Macedonia was blocked by its southern neighbour.  Also the Macedonia’s opening of the accession negotiations with EU is blocked, beside the fact that we constantly receive recommendation from the European Union. We have welcomed the membership of Croatia in NATO, because the Republic of Macedonia gained another friend and supporter and in the same time it is important for the whole region. Now, after the verdict of the International Court in Hague, we expect all Member States of NATO and EU to respect the provisions of the verdict- underlined the President Veljanoski.

Speaking of the cooperation between the parliaments, the President Veljanoski underlined that it is good on all levels. 
We are not only contributing in the overall bilateral relations, but we are creating better cooperation, which contributes for the stability of the region and its Euro-Atlantic perspective- emphasised the President Veljanoski.

He also referred to the situation of the Croatian minority in the Republic of Macedonia as well as the Macedonian minority in Croatia, underlining that both states are taking concrete measures to preserve their ethnic, linguistic and cultural identity, underlining especially, that both communities demonstrate loyalty to the states they live in.

The Speaker of the Croatian Parliament, Mr. Boris Šprem underlined that the Republic of Macedonia deserved to be member State of NATO long time ago, as well as to open the accession negotiations with EU.

Croatia will continue its full support for the Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Republic of Macedonia, which is a significant factor for the stability on the Region.

Speaking of the parliamentary cooperation, the Speaker of the Croatian expressed hope that this kind of cooperation will continue towards the European integration.

A the moment we are working on functional re-structuring of  the Parliament, regarding the institutions of EU, especially the European Parliament, underlined Mr. Boris Šprem.

He also gave a positive evaluation of the Macedonian minority in Croatia, which together with the Croatian minority in Macedonia, is one of the bridges of the overall bilateral cooperation between the two states and people.


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