
Friday, 21 April 2012, Warsaw

The President Veljanoski participated in the Conference of Speakersof the European Union Parliaments

The President of the Assembly of the Republic ofMacedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski, in the framework of the Conferenceof Speakers of the European Union Parliaments, held in Warsaw, the Republic of Poland. The President addressed in the First Session- “The crisis of the European unity,what shall we do?”, Ms, Maria da Asunaco Esteves was introductory Speaker. Over20 participants addressed at the First Session.

Accordingto the agenda, the afternoon Session was on theparliamentary control of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and theCommon Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).

The President Veljanoski will realize bilateralmeeting with his colleagues, Speakers of the European Union Parliaments. 

Address of the President Veljanoski 

Distinguished Chairman,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Speaking of the crisis in a specific area or a crisis of a specific form, beside the complexity that the crisis carries, there is always a possibility to see the causes, but also to find a solution to surpass them.

Speaking of the crisis of unity, things seem far more complex, and problems way too tangled, sociological, cultural, economic… the causes of the crisis cannot be easily and clearly defined and recognized.

In times of such condition we must not lose from sight the overall string of processes, investment and if you wish victims, in order to reach the goal to the desired level. Starting from the idea, accompanied by a lot of embodied knowledge and work, efforts; the expensively paid experience stands as a warning to everyone, in any way involved in the “unity” which is experiencing the crisis.

If we recall the saying of Konrad Adenauer “The unity of Europe was the dream of a few. It became the hope of many...”- inevitably we should ask our selves whether we are fighting with our own hope? Why and where will it take us? In the process of seeking answers we must invest maximum efforts to preserve the values and the benefits provided by the long created and shaped unity.

We can always do more, we can always do better! We must not give up before the challenges! This particular generation faces the challenge to preserve and in the same time, to upgrade what was inherited or created. We should work ahead and not look back!

The efforts and the investment should be sincere, the approach to everyone just and principle, on the opposite we remain declarative fighters for the unity which means a lot and costs even more!

If the efforts are sincere enough, and the intention is higher that the personal interest and profit, then, inevitably we will remain loyal to the principles which the “unity” was built on.
If we agree with Nietzsche that without unity, values are senseless, devaluated, a state of nihilism, nothing... we should ask our selves whether this is our strive.  Is this the state we want?

It is not about how much friendship means to us or how much we are personally affected by the unjust treatment by the others, it is not about tight and egoistic approach towards the obligations and benefits, it is about how much our common Europe means to us, our joint standards and values, how much we are prepared to preserve and strengthen the common unity!


Allow me to finish my address with the thought of Winston Churchill: “If Europe were once united in the sharing of its common inheritance, there would be no limit to the happiness, to the prosperity and the glory which its three or four million people would enjoy.”

I chose this fragment, since it contains the key: UNITED, COMMON and  PROSPERITY... This is what we are here for, isn’t it?

Thank you.


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