
Wednesday, 9 January 2013, 14:00, Hall 3

14th meeting of the committee on election and appointment issues


1. Stipulation of Draft-decision on Denomination of a Member of the State Committee for Prevention of Corruption

2. Stipulation of Draft-decision on Denomination and Appointment of Char and Members of the Board Awarding the “23 October” Award 

3. Stipulation of Draft-decision  on Appointment of Chair and Member of the Management Board of the Agency Regulating the Railway Sector 

4. Stipulation of Draft-decision on Appointment of a Member and Deputy Member of the Committee Acting Upon Appeals in the Area of Energy 

5. Stipulation of Draft-decision on Appointment of a Member of the Committee on Protection of the Right of Free Access to Public Data 

6. Stipulation of Draft-decision Establishing Parliamentary Groups from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for Cooperation with the Parliaments from Other States and Election of Chairs and Members of parliamentary Groups from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia for Cooperation with the Parliaments from Other States

7. Stipulation of Draft-decision on Election of a Member of the State Council for Prevention from Juvenile Delinquency 

8. Application of the Provisions of Article 26, Paragraph 2, 3  and4 of the Law on Parliamentarians (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 84/2005, 161/2008 and 51/2011)

9. Other issues
