Tuesday, 10 December 2013, 13:00, "Boris Trajkovski" Hall
74th meting of the committee on transport, communication and ENVIRONMENT
1. Draft law on Control of Emissions of Evaporative Organic Compounds Using Gasoline - I read;
2. Draft-Amendment of the Water Resources Base of the Republic of Macedonia from 1968 for Buchin Accumulation;
3. Annual Working Program of the Agency on Postal Offices for 2014;
4. Annual Working and Development Program of the Agency Regulating the Railway Sector for 2014;
5. Annual Working Program of the Agency on Electronic Communication for 2014;
6. Draft-law Appending the Law on Sales and Loaning Business Buildings and Business Facilitates of the Republic of Macedonia I reading;
7. Draft-law Amending the Law on Living Environment – II reading;
8. Draft-law Amending the Law on Public Roads= II reading;
9. Draft-law Amending the Law on Transport in the Public Traffic- II reading.