
Thursday, 10 January 2013, 13:00, Hall 3

78th meeting of the legislative committee


1. Draft-law Amending the Law on Securities- II reading; 

2. Draft-law Amending the Law on Pleas and Proposals- II reading;

3. Draft-law Appending the Law on Parental Registry- II reading;

4. Draft-law Amending the Law on Transport of Hazardous Materials in the Railway Traffic- II reading;

5. Draft-law on Camps - II reading;

6. Draft-law on Sales and Lending the Business Offices in the Republic of Macedonia- II reading;

7. Draft-law Amending the Law on Protection of Nature- II reading;

8. Draft-law Amending the Law on Temporary Employment- II reading;

9. Draft-law Amending the Law on Labour Relations- II reading; 

10. Draft-law Amending the Law on Voluntary Capital Financial Pension Insurance- II reading; 

11. Draft-law Amending the Law on Capital Financial Pension Insurance- II reading; 

12. Draft-law Amending the Law on Foreigners- II reading;

13. Correction of the Law on Voluntary Healthcare Insurance (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia 145/2012); 

14. Stipulation of Consolidated Text on Healthcare Protection. 
