
Friday, July 14th

Address by the President Xhaferi in front of the Committee for European Affairs 

Distinguished ladies and gentleman, 
Distinguished Prime Minister, Mr. Zoran Zaev,
Distinguished Deputy Prime Minister for European affairs, Mr. Bujar Osmani,  
Distinguished members of the Government, 
Distinguished colleagues deputies, 
Distinguished media,
Distinguished present 

The Euro-Atlantic integrations represent strategic determination of the Republic of Macedonia, determination about which all these years of independence, there is a total political consensus from all the political subjects' i.e. parties. Even more important is the fact that this strategic determination has a great support by the citizens. A support which, according to the latest research of IRI is on a very high level, and that is something that makes all of us that run i.e are part of the ruling processes of the country and the institutions, even more responsible in the direction of realization of these expectations of the citizens. We all know and we feel it too that due to the name dispute of our country, we have a real blockade in the processes of our integration to EU and NATO. But, today I will not speak about that. I want to underline that still, the signals we are receiving from EU and NATO, by this I mean the several consequent summits and of course the latest in Trieste, clearly show a new politics and a new, much more active approach of Brussels towards the integration of the states of the Western Balkans, and thus the Republic of Macedonia. A politics which is also supported with solid financial recourses, so needed for a lot of joint but also individual projects. I think that we are facing a truly big challenge and also a great historical responsibility, in front of the actual but also the next generations for the realization of our strategic and I would say historical determination, and that is our integration to NATO and EU. That is why, it is of a great importance for us if with no prejudices and petty political calculations we look at what we have done during the past period in the segment of accepting and implementing the European standards and principles in all the fields. From human rights and freedom, individual and collective, through rule of law and legal state, functioning of the parliamentary democracy, to if you want, ecology, culture, nongovernmental sector and so on. 


We have been through a political crisis more then two years, crisis which was a result of exactly disrespecting of the same European principles and standards. With the help of our friends from the international community, above all our friends from Brussels and Washington, we succeeded starting to overcome that crisis and yet, not on the street, not with protests and violence, but in the institutions, according to the principles of the parliamentary democracy, and the positive practices of the member states of the EU. Precisely in that direction I see the today session of the Parliamentary Committee for European Affairs, where the Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and the other government representatives will present in more details the so called "Plan 3-6-9", where the priorities and the dynamics for the necessary reforms are listed. A Program which will get us back on the Euro-Atlantic integration path where we will walk sound, on two feet, as a society and as a country.  

Ladies and gentleman, 

In the "Plan 3-6-9“ which in fact derives from the all known agreement of Przino, as well as from the Government Program for 2017-2020, there is a concrete part with concrete measures regarding the work of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. Among them, there are several measures which strengthen the supervisory role of the Assembly over the Government, i.e. the executive power. Further more, what I want to specifically stress is the involvement of the Assembly through the appropriate committees in the reforming of the Security and Counter-Intelligence Directorate and the Intelligence Agency as well as the return of the essential oversight role of the appropriate parliamentary committees over these institutions, i.e. over the so called repression ministries. And, in my opinion, what is very important is the fact that in general, reforms of the security structures have to develop through a wide inclusive discussion in the Parliament, through which discussion the model of reforming the security system will be crystallized, thus the agencies and directorates included in the same system. That broad, comprehensive debate which involves inclusion of the expert and academic public also, as well as the nongovernmental sector, I am convinced that it will turn to a main tool even when the other reforms come to order, i.e. we will fully embed it in the functioning of the parliamentary democracy, especially in the process of law adoption. What I want to especially emphasize is the reactivation of the Woman Parliamentarian's Club from where I believe a lot of fresh ideas, thoughts and suggestions will come. By the way, it is not with no cause the saying that "women are pillars of homes".


I do not pretend that the history begins with the current government and the current parliamentarian majority when it comes to the integration processes. What I believe in is above all the sincere commitment of the Government and this Parliamentary majority that these reforms as well as all the other reforms we do exclusively to the benefit of the citizens and the overall society. Naturally, the biggest responsibility for all these processes lies on the parliamentary majority and the current Government. But, in the parliamentary democracy, part of the responsibility belongs also to the opposition. As a President of the Parliament, I will do always everything that the Rule of Procedure, the Law for the Parliament and the Constitution allows me to, in order for the opposition to be able to present their political and program interests, proposals, arguments and critics in a transparent way. But, at the same time, I expect from the opposition to behave responsibly during the whole legislative process, i.e. functioning of the Parliament with efficiency. In my opinion, some moves of the opposition that these days are seen by the overall Macedonian public but also our international friends do not help nor the parliamentary democracy, nor the necessary reforms and the integration processes to EU and NATO. As first among equals, I do not want to be judgmental, still, as a President of the Parliament, I do have an obligation to secure normal functioning of the legislative home. Therefore, I hope that the proposed Government Plan known as "3-6-9", as well as the Government Program 2017-2020, is a good foundation to create the true inclusiveness among all the parliamentarian political subjects. Inclusivity where their share have to have the expert and academic public, and I especially once more want to underline the role and the inclusion of the nongovernmental sector. Only that way, as I mentioned, we will walk sound, on both feet to successfully pass our Euro-Atlantic path. 

Thank you 


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