
Wednesday, 10 july 2019


Distinguished MPs,
Distinguished representatives of the Government,Distinguished Secretary General Ivanova, 
Your Excellencies,
Respected staff of the Assembly,
Ladies and gentlemen,
friends of the Assembly,

It is truly an honor that you are here today in such a great number, at this ceremonial event for the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, for the Swiss Embassy in the Republic of North Macedonia and for the National Democratic Institute.

Allow me to express how pleased I am today that we are celebrating the co-operation between the Assembly, the Swiss Embassy and NDI in such a solemn way, and promoting the "Parliament Support Programme" in a symbolic and interesting fashion.

Our co-operation is years-long and significantly fruitful. As a legal basis for the implementation of the project "Parliament Support Programme", a Memorandum of understanding was signed by the Assembly and Switzerland, represented by its Embassy, and our long-standing friends from the National Democratic Institute were chosen to implement the project. In this context, I can conclude that our co-operation with NDI is at a high level and during this whole period we have been confident that it is a team composed of real professionals who have a good grasp of the way the Assembly is functioning, the advantages, but also the weaknesses, the used and the unused potential. 

Ten years may seem like a very long period in a lifetime, but when it comes to real and fundamental changes in the mode of operation of an institution, such as our legislature, they are just small pieces of a big puzzle. 

With the launching of this co-operation we are setting high goals for ourselves to achieve. I will mention the words of the artistic genius Picasso - "Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act," end of quotation. I would add, if that vehicle of a plan to reaching those goals has the right people on board with us, there is no obstacle or challenge that can not be overcome. That's why our trusted friends from the NDI and the Swiss Embassy are here. 

As you can see, there are installation artworks around us with the goals of our co-operation inscribed on them. The concrete on the installations should be a symbol of the stability of the institution. I honestly hope that in 10 years from this day, the Assembly and the service will have already achieved these goals, and both I personally, and the entire leadership, will make every effort to that end. 

Allow me to thank you, once again, for responding positively to the joint invitation of the Assembly and the distinguished Ambassador, Her Excellency Ms. Tejada, and for being here today with us in such a great number.

Thank you for your attention!


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