
Monday, 20 April 2015, Rome  

Address of the President Veljanoski at the Conference of the Speakers of the European Union Parliaments on “Europe Beyond the Crisis: New Paths for Growth” 

Distinguished colleagues,  
Ladies and gentlemen,  

The world was taken by the great world economy crisis, once it finished, a world debt crisis started. Aiming to neutralize or at least decrease the negative consequences of the crisis over the lives of the citizens and the overall society, the Republic of Macedonia implemented four packages of anti -crisis measures. As first in Europe, it was provided the profit to be taxable only if is allocated in dividend and the social incomes and customs fees were decreased. The anti -crisis measures introduced postponement of the obligations on the basis of health care benefits, liberation from taxation of interest rates, postponement of payment of the taxation debt, reprogramming the debt to 36 months, lowering taxation for the farmers by 80%, investment program which envisages numerous infrastructure projects, as well as measures for facilitation of the export of goods. The Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia was actively included in the process of amendment of the legislation needed for implementation of all these measures. 

The Republic of Macedonia maintains macroeconomic stability with a low rate of inflation, balanced public finances, with sustainable level of budget deficit and moderate public debt. Our state successfully faced the challenges arising from the global financial crisis. In the state of crisis, the Republic of Macedonia provided sustained positive growth and increasing of the employment rate. As a result, the unemployment is decreased from 37% in 2004 to 27% in 2014. This growth was provided through the policy of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia for support of the economy through capital infrastructure projects and attraction of foreign direct investments. 

Last year, the construction of 104 kilometers of highway has started; the construction of three highways simultaneously is a great challenge which resulted in engagement of over 1000 workers. The construction of the highways continues this year as well. In addition to the highways, 5 regional and one express road of 83.4 kilometers will be constructed, as well as about 70 local roads with an overall length of 125 kilometers. Additionally, in the area of infrastructure in the Republic of Macedonia, the construction of the railway to Bulgaria and Albania has started, including the reconstruction of the railway stations throughout the state, while investing in new schools, hospitals, energy institutions, industrial zones. 

Also, a gas infrastructure is being constructed. According to the plans, the gasification of the cities in the state should start next year and until 2022 Macedonia should have fully built gas pipe network. The policy of increasing of the capital investments for realization of the major infrastructural projects will continue in this framework. These projects, in short term, mobilize the Construction, which is the primary growth generator of the gross domestic product, in addition to over 20 industrial branches connected with the Construction. In long term, the investments in roads, energy and similar areas are important for improvement of the competitiveness of the Macedonian economy. Aside from the capital infrastructure projects, the attraction of investments from foreign companies in our state is important for the economic growth. In this context, the project for continuous promotion of the Republic of Macedonia as business destination has started. The Team Macedonia was established, the members constantly realize investment for a, visiting numerous cities and states. 30 promoters in 21 states were nominated aiming to present the business climate in the Republic of Macedonia which offers many advantages for the foreign companies willing to broaden their business. Also, technology industrial development zones in multiple locations in Macedonia were established, where the foreign investors are being offered with the most attractive packages of measures in Europe. The efforts for attracting of foreign investments and the conditions for business offered in our state gave results. Many eminent foreign companies work in the Republic of Macedonia.

The main engine of the reforms in all areas implemented in the Republic of Macedonia is certainly the accession in the European Union. The latest EC Progress Report reads that the Republic of Macedonia constantly progresses in the area of economy. The Republic of Macedonia so far achieved many development projects and activities and in the future the focus shall be on motivation of the competitiveness, providing better conditions for the local businesses and creation of more and better working positions. The main goal of all reforms is for the majority of the citizens to use the benefits of the sustainable growth.

Thank you for your attention.  


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