
Wednesday, 20 may 2015

Address of the President Veljanoski at the opening of the Parliamentary Committee on PD CEI 

Ladies and gentlemen,  
Distinguished colleagues MPs, Members of delegations,  

It is my great pleasure to address before you at the beginning of the Session of the Parliamentary Committee on the framework of the Parliamentary Dimension of the Central European Initiative, one of the oldest regional organizations in Europe, Today, CEI gathers 18 states, out of which 10 are member states of the European Union. 

The Republic of Macedonia is a full - fledged member of CEI since 1993 and this is its second Chairmanship; this is an honour certainly, but also an obligation during our chairmanship to achieve all planned goals and results, which rise from the very essence and aim of CEI.   

Speaking of the aim of this oldest European regional organization, which since its beginnings, when Europe was divided into blocks and ideologies, affirmed the fundamental values the European Union is based on, and in the same time clearly stood for the regional cooperation in all areas, covering all forms and levels to achieve integration of the whole region in the European Union and NATO.   

Distinguished friends,  

The Republic of Macedonia since its independence clearly articulates and works in direction of achievement of its strategic goals, the membership in NATO and EU. Unfortunately, even though back in 2008 on the NATO Summit in Bucharest, we supposed to become full – fledged member of NATO together with Republic of Albania and Republic of Croatia, due to the absurd issue with our Constitutional name, our Southern neighbour, misusing its right to veto, blocked our accession. In the framework of the European Union, we in the past six consecutive years we have received recommendation from the European Commission for opening accession negotiations, but again, due to a blockade by our Sothern neighbour, there is no date for opening negotiations. In the mean time, the International Court in Hague reached a verdict which clearly reads that Greece has no right to block the Euro – Atlantic integrations of Macedonia and that in this manner Greece violates several international agreements as well as the fundamental principles with the international law is based on, as well as the principles the EU and NATO are created on. Believe me all this is extremely frustrating and has negative consequences not only on the conditions in our state but also in the region.    

In regard with the situation in the Republic of Macedonia, it is a fact that the current crisis is based, above all, on the lack of political will among some political elites that in the past year disrespect the will of the citizens, expressed at the recent early parliamentary elections by boycotting the Parliament. I am convinced that they do this harming themselves, but also harming the state, since the Parliament as such is the only institution where programs, interests and opinions of each political party and voters behind it can be expressed. Nevertheless, as I have already mentioned, our, most modestly said, frozen status in the processes of European integration has negative influence on the current crisis. I am convinced though, that the reason will prevail and that with the assistance, i.e. the mediation, from our friends of the international community and the European Union the crisis shall be surpassed, which benefits above all the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia but also the peace and stability of the Region.  

Ladies and gentlemen,  

Regardless of all this, Macedonia in the past period as member of CEI has contributed a lot in the regional cooperation on all levels and areas, the results are visible. Today, the Republic of Macedonia has good cooperation with all states from the Region, except with our Southern neighbour, though we have broken the ice and have some initial results in some areas, such as ecology and others. Here, Macedonia tends to affirm the benefits that we, as region, have from agriculture, cultural heritage, as part of the European and world civilization.  

During the Chairmanship with CEI and guided by the fact that the adoption of the Adriatic – Ionic macro - regional strategy, the CEI region will use structural funds of the European Union from three macro regional strategies: Baltic Sea, Danube, Adriatic – Ionic strategy, which refer to this region. 

The Chairmanship will be used for opening possibilities, the structural funds to be used from all interested states, and the question will be opened in the contacts will other regional structures as well. In this framework, Macedonian Chairmanship will particularly address the infrastructural connectivity (transport, energy and other), affirming the Republic of Macedonia as crossroad between the most important corridors in the Region – 10 and 8. Furthermore, it is planned to schedule a business forum and other activities that will be executed by our institutions, certainly in coordination with the general Secretariat of CEI and the already adopted “Action Plan 2014 - 2016”.

Distinguished colleagues,  

It is my modest opinion that for the realization of all these activities, regardless of their implementers, the national parliaments have great role in this are, in other words the parliamentary dimension of CEI, as Parliaments and as MPs, aside from the legislative function, we have an oversight function on the executive governance. That is why I believe that colleagues MPS, Members of the national delegations will actively monitor the implementation of the agreed activities and goals.  

I believe that in this manner only, as it was the case before, it will be confirmed that CEI, as oldest regional organization, has not lost its essence, its permanent determination to peace, stability and welfare, not only for the citizens in the region, but also in Europe and wider. 

Having said all this, allow me to wish you successful work, to wish our guests pleasant stay, looking forward to the next meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly.   

Thank you.  


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