
Saturday, 23 May 2015, Tirana 

Address of the President Veljanoski at the Second Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the South East European Cooperation Process

Distinguished Speaker,  
Dear colleagues,  
Ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and on my personal behalf, I would like to express appreciation to the Parliament of the Republic of Albania and to the Speaker of the Parliament, Mr. Ilir Meta for the successful parliamentary contribution to the South East European Cooperation Process, especially the excellent organization of this plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly.  

We can conclude with pleasure that the South East European Cooperation Process has grown into an authentic voice of the region and is accepted as an adequate and dynamic forum for dialogue and cooperation. I am deeply convinced that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Process is a new significant step forward in transforming the region into an area of peace, stability, good neighborly cooperation in the interest of our citizens and states, as well as Europe in general. The success of the regional cooperation directly depends on the realization of the regional projects that have already been identified by our governments, as well as regional and European organizations and institutions. I would like to remind you of the Pan - European transport corridors, which have been planned in our part of Europe for a long time, but have not yet been realized.  

In the framework of our cooperation, in addition to the modernization of the infrastructure and transport connection, we are faced with the task and the realization of numerous initiatives and particular projects which contribute in the more significant economic and social development, as well in the realization of the euro – Atlantic processes. Cooperation in the area of justice and human rights, security and fight against terrorism and organized crime, cooperation and protection of the environment and other issues of mutual interest are of great importance. The role of our parliaments in these processes is to support, motivate and control the jointly harmonized activities. 

We should constantly and continuously work on strengthening the stability of the states from this region, to achieve maximum democratization and transparency of the democratic models, as well as to continue the implementation of the economic and other reforms in all social segments. The adoption of the Acquis and its implementation is not only a needed criterion for membership in the European Union, but also for approaching the European standards and values in direction of improvement of the lives of citizens.  

Parliaments, as immediate representatives of the citizens play the crucial role to translate the European principles, standards and values in the daily lives of the citizens. I would like to underlie that he Republic of Macedonia has made a great step forward in the adoption and implementation of the European standards in numerous areas, but also, it is prepared and has the capacity to fully achieve them.

The progress of our people in times of peace, security, good neighborliness and cooperation is our joint determination. Considering that the dangers from destabilization have not yet been removed, we reach the most important issues for a region – peace and stability.

Unfortunately, we in Macedonia faced this fact in a tragic manner, but prevented further escalation of the tensions. Professionally executed police action annulled a criminal – terrorist group aiming to greatly harm the Republic of Macedonia, but was also a threat for the whole region.  

This unpleasant event underlines the need for sooner integration of our region in NATO and EU. Certainly, the current political situation contributes in worsening the overall welfare in the state. As you know, upon the finalization of the parliamentary elections in the Republic of Macedonia last year, the opposition decided not to participate in the work of the Assembly. In the mean time, assisted by our European friends, we call on political dialogue that should be led in the Parliament, in other words the institutions. There are ongoing negotiations between the two sided assisted by mediators from the European Parliament and I hope that the political leaders will reach a real solution. Once again, I would like to underline that the status – quo situation in the Euro – Atlantic integration, for us and the states of the Region crates frustrations and makes us vulnerable and subjected to destabilization attempts. When surpassing the challenges we are faced with, we need and expect regional solidarity, as well as support of the international community.  

Thank you for your attention.  


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