
Monday, 18 May 2015, Budapest

Address of the President Veljanoski at the Spring Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO  

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,
Dear friends,  

At the very beginning allow me to express my pleasure from the opportunity to address this significant gathering.  
This statement is even more important since this is an event that will further strengthen the parliamentary dimension, without which NATO will not be what it is.  
Macedonia, as parliamentary democracy with clear European and Euro – Atlantic perspective addresses each of its friends affirming its truth, needs and expectations.  

Distinguished colleagues,  

Since ancient times, until today, the alliances were created for the sake of achievement of the joint interests of the participants thereof.  
They were and are established in order to achieve a joint aim that will benefit all stakeholders of the alliance.  
However, for the exact period of time it is clear that unlike ordinary alliances, sustainable alliances, in addition to the mutual interests and expectations are based on values as well.  The values we promote are our plan and program of activation.  
Guided by this fundament, today we can freely and proudly say that NATO as military and political alliance is the most successful union in the world history today.  
This alliance is sustainable due to the universal acceptance of the values such as democracy, human rights and the rule of law by all member states of the alliance.  
The cooperation and the solidarity are the values that compose the core of this alliance.  
Encouraging consultations on security issues in the member states, NATO undoubtedly is an organization that builds trust. In this context, it is not by accident that the jubilee Washington agreement from 1999 reads clearly: quote:  during the 40 years long cold war, NATO manages to provide freedom to its member states… today the Alliance has a necessary role to consolidate and preserve the positive changes from the recent past and to face the challenges of the current and future security… It has to preserve the common safety interests in a surrounding that constantly evolves, often in an unpredictable manner” end quote.  

Dear friends,  

In times of global changes, in times of testing the will of the world forces, in times when the the vision for peaceful, free and whole Europe is endangered, the relevance of NATO is undoubtedly grand and significant. In this context, the fundamental characteristic of the Alliance – the open doors policy gains more and more importance.  
The Republic of Macedonia remains strongly dedicated to its 2 decades long Euro – Atlantic path, constantly supporting the missions of the Alliance and fulfilling, with dedication all criteria for membership.  
The Republic of Macedonia constantly proves that it deserves its place among the equal.In the same time, NATO as Alliance of democracies needs to comprehend the necessity from its enlargement. 
Through the enlargement of its principle of solidarity towards the states waiting in front of its doors, it shall convey a clear message that this alliance is still strongly committed to defending freedom and democracy.
The Republic of Macedonia comprehends NATO as one of the key pillars of the modern European security architecture. 
The Republic of Macedonia considers its membership in NATO as permanent obligation, for which there is a wide and overall political and social consensus in the state.  
The wish of the Republic of Macedonia for Membership in the Alliance is born from the common values of the people of this state with the people from the member states of this alliance in particular.  
Since the very beginning, after the independence of the Republic of Macedonia, a strong determination for membership in the Alliance was expressed.  
My state promptly, fulfilling all criteria, taking all necessary reforms, grew from consumer into exporter of peace and stability.  
Since 1999, Macedonia is candidate state for full – fledged membership in the Alliance!We have patiently waited for many years for the doors of the Alliance to be opened. 
For three decades we have contributed in the achievement of the NATO goals, as if we are a member thereof, even though we are not.  

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,  

The unpleasant events from 2001, thought us, in Macedonia, a valuable lesson.  
In these crucial moments for the stability and security of the state, the friends from NATO Alliance played decisive role, for which we will always be grateful.  
In this context, as addendum of the Declaration of NATO Summit in Bucharest in 2008, our dedication towards the values and the operational activities of NATO and the progress in the reform process was clearly recognized. Still, regretfully, due to the disrespect of the international agreements in which our Southern neighbor is obliged to not block the membership of the Republic of Macedonia in the international organizations, as a state we are still standing in front of the gates of the alliance.  
Unjustly treated, but not discouraged!  
Learning from the past, strongly committed to the future, where we see ourselves as full – fledged member of the Alliance, Macedonia continues to support the NATO Missions around the world.   

Dear friends,  

Two weeks ago, Macedonia successfully faced and surpassed one of the greatest security challenges.  
We witnessed professionally executed police action that annulled a terrorist group comprised of more than 40 people, organized to harm Macedonia, but also the Region. This action, unfortunately resulted with the loss of lives of 8 members of security forces, while 37 were wounded.  
As people, we still mourn for the great loss, once again in this dramatic manner we are being reminded of the need for our sooner integration in NATO.  
The years long status – quo creates space for various attempts for destabilization, hence it is urgently needed to find manners in order to provide progress of the Republic of Macedonia in the Euro – Atlantic integration. 
Now, more than ever, it is important to bring back the feeling of safety and security of the citizens.  
Now, more than ever, it is important to strengthen the unity on internal level but also the regional international cooperation. 
Macedonia has strength.  
Macedonia will persist through these hard turbulences.Macedonia will continue to walk proudly ahead and progress. 
These unpleasant events will not destruct us from the clear path towards our strategic goals.  

Distinguished friends,  

In the past years, we restlessly attempt to find a solution for the imposed problem with our name issue.  
We patiently talk and underlie that in our name, our neighbors cannot find basis for any problem for their stability, security or any territorial pretensions.  
Hence, even though there is no solution on sight, we still believe that the reason will prevail and that this dispute will be surpassed. The Hague verdict which clearly reads that our state is fully right in the name dispute with Greece, gives us the full right to defend what is ours and what we believe in. 
As state we are restlessly engaged in direction of moving this process forward in the international institutions.  
Our opinion on the name issue is clear.  
There is no change of the Constitution aiming to change the constitutional name.  
We do not accept ideas and proposals that jeopardize the Macedonian people and national identity, the uniqueness of Macedonian nation and Macedonian language and culture.   
Whichever flow negotiations take in the future, if mutually acceptable solution models and solutions that would unblock our Euro – Atlantic progress are to be found, will be decided on by the will of the Macedonian people on a referendum.
The name of the Republic of Macedonia is of great importance for all political and social factors.  
Forced to stand in front of the gates of European Union and NATO due to this imposed and irrational problem, we work daily on deepening the regional cooperation with our neighbors, deepening the economic, political and good neighborly relations.  
Also, dedicated to our strategic partnership with the United States of America, the Governments from the two states maintain close political relations.  
We regularly exchange information connected with the regional security. Pursuant to the agreements between our governments and on the basis of the already built relations, we share information for any potential threats, for the state and the region.   
In these times of temptations, in times when the states of the Balkans are in the fire between the East and West, Macedonia undoubtedly underlines and cherishes its strategic partnership with USA.  

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,  

For the Republic of Macedonia, the economy remains one of the top priorities. The Results achieved in the pas period, impose work standards, which every other Government should follow in the future as well.   
Increasing the scope of the capital investments, strong focus on the attraction of the foreign direct investments and opening new factories, improvement of the business climate, much stronger support of the domestic economy and innovative processes, increasing export, increasing agriculture production and its quality, strong focus on the development of the tourism shall remain the founding pillars of the policies in the next years.  
According to the report of the World Bank “Doing Business”, Macedonia, in the past few years, has been the best reformer in South East Europe and third world reformer.  
Macedonian economy had second best result in Europe in 2014, with a growth of 4%.  
Macedonia was third in Europe in 2013, as well as in 2011 and 2010.  
The fall of the economy in the period of crisis from 2009 to 2012 was the smallest from all states in South Eastern Europe. 
All of this is due to our openness and immediateness.  
Wave of new foreign investments comes in the free economy zones.  
Even stronger support of the infrastructural renewal of the state is one of our strongest priorities.  
In addition to the tree highways, in the future period a fourth highway shall be built.  
In the same time, on the field, the construction of new express roads is ongoing, and other smaller freeway routes, as well as local and regional roads are being built.  
In the same time, investments in the road and railway connections from Corridor 8 and Corridor 10 continue, in addition to the intensive investments in reconstruction and construction of communal network, schools, kindergartens and hospitals.  
In brief, Macedonia is being hastily modernized.  
We do not comprehend obstacles as a basis for disappointment but as a reason for greater motive to work.  
We have decided to open wide the perspectives for all citizens,  
We have decided the European values to find strong soil in the Republic of Macedonia as well.  
We restlessly work and I am convinced that the results are visible.  

Dear friends,  

In the context of the security of this part of the old continent, the integration of all states from the region in particular into the Euro – Atlantic community and the strong regional and bilateral cooperation are the best mechanisms for answering the mutual challenges.  
Europe cannot be free, safe and united without integration of all states from the Western Balkan. 
Macedonia continuously supports the efforts of the Alliance and EU for development of the democracy, peace and equality, globally, and the example thereof is the decade’s long participation in the peacekeeping missions of these organizations.  
Our peacekeepers are our best “ambassadors of the peace” and for more than one decade they have been deployed in the international peacekeeping missions in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iraq and Lebanon. 
The contribution in the operations led by NATO, EU and UN remains high priority for as long as needed.  
“Decisive Support” Mission is a new phase in the support of the NATO for the Afghanistan security forces that have successfully taken on the responsibility for the combat operations in their state.  
Only through political solidarity, among the nations, as well the decisiveness among all stake holders to promote peace and democracy, this success is possible.  
There is no state in the world that can face the transnational security threats alone, hence there is a need for strengthened regional cooperation among the states, state institutions, NGO sector, experts and wider scientific public, aiming to find strategies and mechanisms to face possible challenges.  
The Republic of Macedonia since the very beginnings of its independence, until today, has decisively and with dedication stood for gaining its well deserved seat in the Alliance. 
The Republic of Macedonia is de – facto a member of the Alliance. 
I hope that in the period ahead of us, our friends will courageously find a way, model or solution, the Republic of Macedonia to sit at the same table among the equals.  
The Republic of Macedonia has no future but the Euro – Atlantic future.  

Thank you for your attention.  


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