
Tuesday, 21 April 2015, Rome  


Distinguished Chairperson,  
Ladies and gentlemen,  
Dear friends,  

The political dialogue, inter alia, is one of the basic principles which the European Union was created.  
In the same time, these matters as benefits of the civilization rise on the level of obligatory democratic standards for all states in the world. Western Balkan, which is undoubtedly part of Europe rapidly adopts these European civilization benefits. The period when problems were resolved with guns rather than words on the Balkans, is part of our dark past. We have chosen to work towards achievement of something which naturally belongs to us – the community of European people and states. Nevertheless we have to resolve the remaining open issues. We still have affairs burdening us. The idea of United Europe and the example of the Western European states should be our guideline. We also see the results from this good neighbourly policy of the Western European states. Prosperity, common interest, trust and peace must fully rule in all states of the Balkan as well. This is our, but also European interest.

Dear friends,

In the Republic of Macedonia one of the most appropriate examples for a successful political dialogue is the Ohrid Framework Agreement. This document is a result of the cooperation between the political representatives of the Macedonian and Albanian ethnic community, agreed with the assistance of the international community. Its implementation which is an ongoing process is also result of the dialogue which above all is held in the Assembly.

There are more and more of these and similar positive examples of political dialogue which by rule was held in the institutions, and above all in the Assembly. But, unfortunately, since June last year after the finalization of the parliamentary elections the political dialogue between the parliamentary majority and the opposition is on a minimal level. The parliamentary majority, with the assistance of our European friends called, several times, for discussion on all requests and proposals by the opposition, but this dialogue should be inside the Parliament in other words inside the institutions. In this period, assisted by the mediators from the European Parliament, there are ongoing talks between the two sides and I believe that the political leaders both from the governing and the opposition political party will demonstrate responsibility to the citizens and that the right solution will be found.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The responsibility for the current political situation in the Republic of Macedonia is majorly in the hands of the domestic political elite. I do not want to be misunderstood, but it is a fact that the years’ long blockade of our Euro - Atlantic integration has negative implications on the overall political situation in the Republic of Macedonia. You know that we have accomplished the conditions for full fledged membership in NATO but that our accession was blocked by our Southern neighbour. Here I would remind that this was confirmed with the verdict of the International Court in Hague, but nevertheless the blockade continues. The Republic of Macedonia has received 6 recommendations from the European Commission for opening accession negotiations with EU, but again, at the EU Council of Ministers our neighbour blocks us. This manner of behaviour creates mistrust between the two states and I believe that this does not benefit the citizens of Macedonia or Greece, but it can have negative implications to the wider region.
I have to underline that Macedonia, exactly through dialogue, today has highly developed relations with all states from the Region, even though there were many open issues between us. Still, as I have said, so far we have difficult time in establishment a dialogue with our Southern neighbour. For example, I have personally sent multiple invitations to the colleagues MPs from Greece for establishment of the parliamentary cooperation. This establishment can be on highest level or on the level of parliamentary committees and other bodies, making the first step in direction of building trust. Unfortunately, the answer was always negative.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am sincerely convinced that the political dialogue as a virtue and as mechanism for resolution of all open issues penetrates more and more in the consciousness of the political elites, but also in all social entities that influence the creation of particular policies.
We all have to face the new circumstances arising from the development of our interdependence. We have to cooperate even more and build strategies so that democracy and citizens of Europe emerge even stronger from these storms and winds. I believe in our capacity.
I believe in the sincerity of our intentions, as I believe in the strength of our wish for even greater cooperation, dialogue and understanding between the citizens of Europe, regardless of our political, ethnic, religious and other differences.

Thank you for your attention.  


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