
Monday, 23 March 2015  

First Meeting of SEECP PA Standing Committee on Economy, Infrastructure and Energy    

The National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria organized the First Meeting of the SEECP PA Standing Committee on Economy, Infrastructure and Energy on 21 March in Sofia.   

The topic of Meeting was the promotion of the energy efficiency in South East Europe and Ms. Ane Lashkovska represented the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. MPs from Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey and Montenegro, as well as high representatives of the host’s Government participated in this Meeting. 

In her address, Ms. Lashkovska referred to the efforts of the Republic of Macedonia in the area of energy, especially for the cooperation with the neighbouring states and harmonization of the national legislation and the Acquis.  She underlined that serious projects are being undertaken in the Republic of Macedonia in direction of overall gasification of the territory and connection with the regional pipelines. The confirmation thereof is the recent start of the construction of the pipeline route Klechovce – Blok, as part of the project for construction of the National gas line system.   

The influence of the energy efficiency on the development of the economies in the member – states is noticed in the adopted Draft – Resolution, which underlined the protection of the customers’ rights and implementation of the relevant regulations of EU as joint goals.

The document calls the Member states of SEECP, together with the European Parliament to establish a parliamentary network for closer cooperation and exchange of experience.   The documents arising from the Meeting of the Committee shall be adopted at the Annual Session of SEECP PA, hosted by the Parliament of the Republic of Albania.  


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