
Tuesday, 15 September 2020


Today, the President of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, Talat Xhaferi, met with the Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the Republic of North Macedonia, H.E. Nives Tiganj.

President Xhaferi emphasized the exceptional bilateral relations between the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Croatia, and shared his expectation that they will continue with increased dynamics in the coming period. He briefed the Ambassador on the activities of the Assembly, the election of the committees, the legislative agenda, the new working conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the activities related to the European agenda. He thanked for the strong and continuous support that the highest state institutions give to the Republic of North Macedonia, in terms of the country's European integration and expressed expectation that, as NATO allies, we will have fruitful cooperation. The President reaffirmed the need for further friendly and constructive cooperation in the multilateral and regional international organizations.

Ambassador Tiganj welcomed the constitution of the Government and the functioning of the Assembly and informed about the announced upcoming activities between the state representatives of the two countries, emphasizing that Republic of North Macedonia's progress towards the European Union is exceptionally important to the Republic of Croatia's, as well as fostering a stable political dialogue between the government and the opposition. She offered expert assistance at governmental and parliamentary level in the chapter-opening process, at the level of experts who can greatly assist in the capacity building for the negotiations with the European Union.

The interlocutors also exchanged views on the development of economic cooperation, the cooperation between the military industries and military cooperation between the two countries, as well as opportunities to enhance inter-parliamentary cooperation and share common experiences in foreign policy and parliamentary diplomacy.


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