
Wednesday, 16 September 2020


The President of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, Talat Xhaferi, met today with the Ambassador of Ukraine, H.E. Natalya Zadorozhnyuk.

President Xhaferi expressed satisfaction that the relations between the Republic of North Macedonia and Ukraine are characterized by friendship, trust, absence of open issues, as well as cooperation in many areas of mutual interest. He informed about the upcoming activities of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia regarding the legislation and the establishment of delegations and parliamentary groups for cooperation.

Ambassador Zadorozhnyuk congratulated the successful parliamentary elections and the re-election of Xhaferi as President of the Assembly. She stressed that Ukraine highly appreciates North Macedonia’s support to the unitary character, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, as well as the good mutual cooperation within international organizations and inter-parliamentary assemblies.

The interlocutors pledged to promote economic cooperation and trade between the Republic of North Macedonia and Ukraine, emphasizing that a rich normative-legal framework has been built between the two countries. The common goals and priorities for European and Euro-Atlantic integration, according to Xhaferi and Zadorozhnyuk, are an excellent basis for further enhancing bilateral cooperation.

The fruitful cooperation between the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was emphasized at the meeting, especially at the level of cooperation groups. At the same time, the interlocutors expressed hope that there will be visits at the level of Speakers of Parliaments in the foreseeable future, as soon as favourable conditions are created.

At the meeting, Ambassador Zadorozhnyuk handed over letters of congratulations to President Xhaferi from the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Dmytro Razumkov, on his re-election as President of the Assembly and on the occasion of 8 September, Independence Day.


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