
Thursday, 4 June 2015

Meeting of the President Veljanoski and OSCE Representatives

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski had a meeting with the Special Representative of OSCE to South East Europe, Mr. Roberto Battelli and Ambassador Adres Nothelle, Special Representative of the OSCE PA to Vienna. 

At the beginning, the guests expressed pleasure from the meeting, as is an excellent opportunity for exchange of opinions and views, which of great importance for the Republic of Macedonia.

The meeting referred to the current developments in the state, the possible outcome from the political events, as well as the ongoing activities of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and the dedication of the Republic of Macedonia in the achievement of the reforms for sooner opening accession negotiations with EU and NATO.

The President Veljanoski welcomed the reached agreements between the leaders of the political parties for surpassing the misunderstanding and expressed hope that soon the Assembly will function in its full capacity, since the work of the Assembly and its contribution in the functioning of a state is of utmost importance.

The interlocutors agreed that the political debate should be held in the Assembly, since the parliamentary stand is the best instrument for articulation of the opinions and views and that is why the opposition should constructively participate in the work of the Assembly.  

Special Representative of OSCE to South East Europe, Mr. Roberto Battelli underlined that the agreement reached by the political parties, under the mediation of the Commissioner Han should be implemented, especially the remarks in regard with the voters’ lists, so that numerous speculations in the future can be avoided. Work for regaining the citizens’ trust in the institutions is needed, and this is the key moment in that direction. 

At the end of the meeting, the interlocutors expressed hope that every stakeholder will give a positive input in the improvement of the political climate of the state. 


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