
Thursday, 9 April 2015 

Meeting of the President Veljanoski and the Delegation of the Republic of Turkey on the Occasion of the International Roma Day  

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski had a meeting with the Delegation of the Republic of Turkey comprised of: Mr. Dursun Ali Shahin, Governor of Edrene, Mr. Shaban Çobanogllu, Vice President of "Junus Emre" Institute, Vice President of International Union of Cooperation and Cooperation - UCID, as well as the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the Republic of Macedonia, Omur Solendil. The delegation was accompanied by the Minister without Portfolio, Mr. Nezhdet Mustafa.  

The occasion for the meeting, in addition to the International Roma Day was the promotion of the Community called Balkan – Roma Union – BAROM. Mr. Nezhdet Mustafa is the Head of the Management Board. The Delegation of the Republic of Turkey is comprised of officials who assisted in the establishment of this Community. 

The meeting referred to the Roma Community in the Republic of Macedonia, the rights participation and contribution of the members in the social life, as well as on the great friendship between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Turkey. 


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