
Wednesday, 26 February 2014

meeting of the president veljanoski and the Members of the german bundestag, Mr. Johanes Sele and Mr. Josip Juratovik 

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski expressed his pleasure for the meeting and the opportunity to discuss important topics for the Republic of Macedonia and EU with his colleagues from the German Bundestag. The President Veljanoski underlined that the cooperation between the two states is characterised with friendship and understanding, but that greater parliamentary cooperation is needed. This cooperation should be realized on the level of parliamentary groups, as well as on the level of Speakers of Parliaments, thus the President Veljanoski invited the his colleague, the Speaker of the Bundestag to visit the Republic of Macedonia.

The President Veljanoski referred to the economic cooperation, and evaluated it as successful after the investment of German Companies in the Republic of Macedonia, which is a good example for other companies to invest here and to assist the faster economic development of Macedonia.

The meeting also referred to the membership of the Republic of Macedonia in NATO and EU, and the President Veljanoski stated that these are the major goals and priorities of the state.

Another topic of the meeting was the imposed name dispute from our Sothern neighbour, as a result of which the Republic of Macedonia is not part of these families.

The President Veljanoski added that the reforms will continue for the benefit of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia and its economic growth, which recently was confirmed by the Commissioner for Economy and Monetary Affairs, Mr. Olli Rehn, underlining that the Republic of Macedonia has second highest economic growth in Europe.

The Members of the Bundestag underlined that they are active supporters and lobbyists for the Republic of Macedonia and of all countries from the Region, and that they follow the reforms and the development of the integration processes of towards the European Union.

The r. Johanes Sele underlined that he agrees with the need for increased parliamentary cooperation of the two states and expressed appreciation for the invitation to the Speaker of the German Bundestag to visit the Republic of Macedonia.

Mr. Juratovik underlined that the implementation of the reforms and the fulfilment of the conditions are essential for the faster integration of the Republic of Macedonia and the Region. He underlined that EU, through its processes, constantly works on freedom, security and peace in whole Europe, The European Union is a community, first of democratic values and then a community of economic interests.

The meeting referred to the forthcoming Presidential elections in the Republic of Macedonia and the political developments in the state.

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