
Thursday, 23 April 2015, Strasbourg  


„Имам чест на мојот македонски јазик да ви посакам успешна работа" – “It is my honor to wish you successful work in Macedonian”, this is how Mr. Nikoloski started the Chairing of the Spring Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the oldest and largest in European Parliamentary Assembly comprised of 318 MPs from 47 countries. Although official languages of the Presidency are English and French, Nikolovski seized the opportunity for using the Macedonian language to greet the MPs.

In January 2015, the Head of the Delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Aleksandar Nikolovski was elected as one of the Vice- Chairmen of the Parliamentary Assembly for 2015 and 2016.

During the Spring Session of the Parliamentary Assembly, as planned, the Head of the Macedonian Delegation chaired as First Vice Chairman the Spring Session “Social services in Europe.”Nikoloski at the beginning seized the opportunity, first in Macedonian, to express great satisfaction that he chairs the oldest Parliamentary Assembly created on the European soil, whose activity is focused on issues of current political importance, including the problems of modern society and aspects of international politics. The position of Vice Chairman is an extraordinary opportunity to increase the visibility in Europe, as well as to increase the political influence in finding solution of relevant political affairs.

Nikoloski is also a member of the Bureau of Assembly comprised of the Chair, Vice-Chairmen and Heads of the political groups in the Parliamentary Assembly. This body drafts the agenda of the Session, reviews of the Commission’s documents, organizes daily activities, cooperates with other international bodies, approves scheduling sessions of the committees etc.



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