
Monday, 31 May 2021


Today, the President of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, Talat Xhaferi, attended the Day of High Guests at the army polygon Krivolak where the military exercise “Decisive Strike 21” took place, in which participated the members of our Army and the Armies of USA, Greece and Bulgaria.

“Decisive Strike 21” started on 17 May and will last until 2 June 2021, and it is a large – scale exercise activity within the framework of “Defender Europe 21” in which participated 27 states with 28.000 soldiers with the purpose of demonstrating the readiness of the armies for a credible defense which includes many computer – supported exercises, field training and military shooting.



President Xhaferi expressed great satisfaction and proud that the Republic of North Macedonia, as the host country, on the first year of our full membership in NATO succeeded to organize, certainly in close cooperation and with the unreserved assistance of our allies, an exceptionally high level military exercise, which only confirms the readiness of our Army, its professionalism, ability to communicate and cooperate with other partner armies, and not only that, but also its equality in maintaining peace, stability and security in Europe and the region.

The fact that the military polygon Krivolak, with the current potential and with the planned revitalization will be included in the world-recognized military polygons attractive for the realization of worldwide military exercises, is also gratifying.

In the army polygon Krivolak, besides President Xhaferi, were also present President Pendarovski, the Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of North Macedonia, Radmila Sheqerinska,  and other ministers of the Government, the Minister of Defense of Montenegro, Deputy-President of the Assembly Goran Misovski, Lieutenant General Vasko Gurcinovski and other high army representatives, Ambassador Kate Marie Byrnes, as well as the diplomatic corps present in the Republic of North Macedonia. 


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