
Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

President Xhaferi met with the Dutch ambassador Plomp 

The President of the Parliament of the Republic, Mr. Talat Xhaferi met with the Ambassador of Kingdom of Netherland in Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Willem Wouter Plomp. After the expressed congratulations on the election for the function and the election of the new Government, ambassador Plomp conveyed the message about the readiness of the Dutch Government and concretely the Parliament about the wide cooperation with the institutions of Republic of Macedonia and the continuance of the already started projects between the two states. 

President Xhaferi informed the guest about the current situation in the Parliament and the activities that follow regarding the international cooperation, such as the establishment of delegations in the international organisations and the bilateral cooperation groups. 

Both interlocutors also exchanged views about the forms of higher transparency and visibility of the Parliament, respectively better informing of the citizens with the work of the legislative. The need for bigger inclusion of the experts in the work of the parliamentary committees was empathised as a possibility given by the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament, in order to contribute to adoption of more quality regulations. 

At the end, President Xhaferi and ambassador Plomp expressed their confidence that successful bilateral cooperation will continue and will expand in the future.   


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