Bilateral Meetings of the President Veljanoski during the P...

Wednesday, 31 August 2016, Warsaw

Bilateral Meetings of the President Veljanoski during the Parliamentary Meeting of Central and East Europe    

The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski realized several bilateral meetings with Presidents of Parliaments at the margins of the Parliamentary Meeting of Central and East Europe. 

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Comment of the President Veljanoski on the Contribution of ...

Wednesday, 31 August 2016, Warsaw 

Comment of the President Veljanoski on the Contribution of the National parliaments in the Multilateral Cooperation Central and Eastern Europe

The fact that we are gathered here and discuss many topics confirms the role, importance and the responsibility of the national parliaments in the development of the bilateral relations, even further in the multilateral relations, on the level of regional cooperation, but also on the level of the European Union and wider. Today, all significant international organization and association structurally include parliamentary assemblies, as a significant segment of their work.
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Veljanoski-Varshava ...

Wednesday, 31 August 2016, Warsaw 

Address of the President Veljanoski at the parliamentary Meeting of Central and East Europe States 

Distinguished Chairman,  
Distinguished colleagues,  
Ladies and gentlemen,  

What kind of Europe we want and what is the future of EU and the integration processes of the aspiring states are questions which have been particularly popularized after the so called Brexit, in other words the referendum on which the citizens of Great Britain supported leaving EU.

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Farewell Meeting of the President Veljanoski and the Ambass...

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Farewell Meeting of the President Veljanoski and the Ambassador of the Peoples’ Republic of China, H.E. Wen Zhenshun

Today, the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski had a farewell meeting with the Ambassador of the Peoples’ Republic of China, H.E. Wen Zhenshun. The interlocutors expressed great appreciation of this meeting.

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Tuesday, 2 August 2016  

Address of the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia on the Occasion of 2 August – Ilinden, the Day of the Republic

Good day Macedonia!  
Good day esteemed and famous Ilinden homeland! 
Greetings to all citizens of this state who, today come from all sides to visit the places of the famous history of Macedonia!  
Greetings to all, who in though and words, scattered throughout all corners of our motherland think of Ilinden.  

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Farewell meeting of the President Veljanoski and Aivo Orav...

Tuesday, 26 July 2016 

Farewell meeting of the President Veljanoski and the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Macedonia, H.E. Aivo Orav

The President Veljanoski expressed appreciation for the constant  support of the Delegation to the Republic of Macedonia. The interlocutors expressed hope that the cooperation will continue on highest level, through mutual understanding and friendship.
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Address of the President Veljanoski at the 55th Festival of...

Thursday, 7 July 2016  

Address of the President Veljanoski at the 55th Festival of Folk Dance and Song  

Tonight for me, and I believe for you to, is a great honour and pleasure to mark together the opening of the 55th Jubilee Balkan Festival of Folk Dance and Song. An event, which here and worldwide in these 55 years is recognized in the international catalogue of most significant folk events. 
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Bilateral Meetings of the President Veljanoski during the T...

Saturday, 11 June 2016, Sofia

Bilateral Meetings of the President Veljanoski during the Third Plenary Session of SEECP PA  

In the framework of the Third Plenary Session of SEECP PA, the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski had bilateral meetings with the President of the Parliament of Kosovo, Mr. Kadri Veseli and the President of the National Assembly of Slovenia, Mr. Milan Brglez.  

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Address of President Veljanoski at the Third Plenary Sessio...

Saturday, 11 June 2016, Sofia

Address of President Veljanoski at the Third Plenary Session of SEECP PA  

On behalf of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and on my personal behalf, I would like to express the appreciation to the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria and to the President, Ms. Tsetska Tsacheva for the successful Chairmanship of the South East European Cooperation Process, as well as for the excellent organization of this Plenary Session.
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Meeting of the President Veljanoski and Ms. Tsetska Tsachev...

Friday, 10 June 2016, Sofia 

Meeting of the President Veljanoski and the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, Ms. Tsetska Tsacheva  

In the framework of the Third Plenary Session of SEECP PA, the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski had bilateral meeting with the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, Ms. Tsetska Tsacheva.  

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