
Monday, 24 February 2014, 14:00, Hall 4



1. Draft-law Amending the Law on Excises, shortened procedure , II reading

2. Draft-law Amending the Law on Subventions of Housing Loan, shortened procedure , II reading

3. Draft-law Amending the Law on Securities, shortened procedure , II reading

4. Draft-law Amending the Law on Financial Inspection in the Public Sector, shortened procedure , II reading

5. Draft-law Amending the Law on State Audit, shortened procedure , II reading

6. Draft-law Amending the Law on Audit, shortened procedure , II reading

7. Draft-law Amending the Law on Central Registry, shortened procedure , II reading

8. Draft-law Amending the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Other Incomes of Criminal Acts and Financing Terrorism, shortened procedure , II reading

9. Draft-law Amending the Law on Supervision on Insurance, shortened procedure , II reading

10. Draft-law Amending the Law on Fund for Insurance of Deposits, shortened procedure , II reading

11. Draft-law on Financial Police- II reading , II reading

12. Draft-law Amending the Law on Revision of IPA, shortened procedure , II reading

13. Draft-law Amending the Law on National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, shortened procedure

14. Draft-law Amending the Law on Foreign Exchange Inspection, shortened procedure , II reading

15. Draft-law Amending the Law on Commodity Stocks, shortened procedure , II reading

16. Draft-law on Public Revenue Office, shortened procedure
, II reading
17. Draft-law Amending the  Law on Mandatory Oil and Oil Derivates Reserves, shortened procedure , II reading

18. Draft-law Amending the Law on Custom Management, shortened procedure , II reading

19. Draft-law Amending the Law on Public Procurements- shortened procedure , II reading

20. Draft-law Amending the Law on Seeds and Seeding Materials for Agriculture Plants, shortened procedure , II reading

21. Draft-law Amending the Law on Forest and Hunting Inspection, shortened procedure , II reading

22. Draft-law Amending the  Law on Forests, shortened procedure , II reading

23. Draft-law Appending the Law Establishing the Agency on Financial Support of the Agriculture and Rural Development, shortened procedure , II reading

24. Draft-law Appending the Law Establishing the Agency on Support of the, shortened procedure , II reading

25. Draft-law Amending the Law on State Inspectorate on Agriculture, shortened procedure , II reading

26. Draft-law Amending the  Law on Health of the Plants, shortened procedure , II reading

27. Draft-Law Appending the Law on Food Safety , shortened procedure , II reading

28. Draft-law Amending the Law on Balanced Regional Development, shortened procedure , II reading

29. Draft-law Amending the  Law on Local Self-Governance State Inspectorate, shortened procedure , II reading

30. Draft-law Amending the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance, shortened procedure , II reading

31. Draft-law Amending the Law on Prevention from Discrimination , shortened procedure , II reading

32. Draft-law Amending the  Law on Employment and Insurance in Cases of Unemployment , II reading

33. Draft-law Amending the  Law on Social Protection shortened procedure , II reading

34. Draft-law Amending the  Law on Labour Inspection, shortened procedure , II reading

35. Draft-law Amending the  Law on Mandatory Capital Financed Pension Insurance, shortened procedure , II reading

36. Draft-law Amending the  Law on Protection of Children, shortened procedure , II reading
