
Friday, 31 January 2014, 11:00, Hall 4



1. Draft-law on Mountain Tracks – I reading

2. Draft-law Amending the Law on Public Roads- II reading

3. Draft-law Amending the Law on Postal Services- II reading

4. Draft-law Amending the Law on Construction – II reading

5.  Draft-law on Electronic Communications - I reading

6. The draft decision approving the financial plan of the JRP Macedonian Radio-television and regular investment activities of radio programs for neighbouring countries and Europe in foreign languages in 2014

7. The draft decision approving the financial plan of the JRP Macedonian Radio-television and regular investment activities of radio programs intended to inform immigrants and citizens of Macedonia living in neighbouring countries, Europe and the other continents of the Macedonian language that at least 20% of the population that is different from the Macedonian language and other minority communities in 2014

8. The draft decision approving the financial plan of the JRP Macedonian Radio-television and regular investment activities of radio programming services via satellite intended for expatriates and citizens of Macedonia who live in Europe and other continents in Macedonian language and the language spoken at least 20% of the population that is different from the Macedonian language and other minority communities in 2014

9. The draft decision approving the financial plan of the JRP Macedonian Radio-television and regular investment activities first television programming via satellite service intended for expatriates and citizens of Macedonia living in Europe and the other continents of the Macedonian language at least 20% of the population that is different from the Macedonian language and other minority communities in 2014

10. The draft decision approving the financial plan of the JRP Macedonian Radio-television and regular investment activities second television programming via satellite service intended for expatriates and Macedonian citizens living in Europe and the other continents of the Macedonian language at least 20% of the population that is different from the Macedonian language and other minority communities in 2014

11. Draft – decision on Approval of the Financial Plan of JRP Macedonian Radio – Television on Regular and Investment Activities of the Assembly Channel for 2014

12. Information of the Lukovo Pole Project
