
Thursday, 1 March 2018

Address of President Xhaferi at the First Working Session of Working Group-III of the National Convention on European Union in the Republic of Macedonia 

Distinguished representatives of the diplomatic corps, 
Distinguished representatives of the European Movement in the Republic of Macedonia, 
Distinguished experts,
representatives of academia,
representatives of the non-governmental sector, 
Distinguished fellow deputies,
Ladies and gentlemen,

Ever since the beginning of my mandate, I clearly expressed my intention of changing the public's perception in relation to the legislature, and here, today, this event is a real proof of my intention.

With a great honor, in the capacity of the President of the Republic of Macedonia, on my behalf and on behalf of the MPs in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, I take the opportunity to welcome this distinguished plenum.

I am convinced that the strategic commitment of the Republic of Macedonia for full-fledged membership in the EU is well known to all, and for that, there is also a great support among the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. 

The National Convention on European Union in the Republic of Macedonia represents an open forum for achieving a wider social consensus on issues related to the accession of the Republic of Macedonia to the European Union. It is a model for mobilizing the experts to increase the integration capacities of the society through a dialogue on vital topics in the spirit of European legislative and European practices. 

This Working Session is the first that will begin the mobilization of the experts and I express my respect and support to the European Movement in the Republic of Macedonia, that are the holders of this project in Macedonia.

There is a long and difficult way ahead, however, with mutual commitment and support, I am confident that the results will not be left out. I wish you successful work!

Thank you for the attention.


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