
Friday, 30 September 2016 

Address of the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Trajko Veljanoski at the OSCE PA Autumn Session 2016

Distinguished Madam President of OSCE PA  
Distinguished colleagues MPs,  
Your Excellences,
Members of the Diplomatic Core  Ladies and gentlemen,  
Dear friends,  

It is a great pleasure to welcome you today in Skopje, the Capital of the Republic of Macedonia. 25 years have passed since the adoption of the decision on establishment until today’s Autumn Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE. A period when the Assembly of OSCE, through its work and engagement proved to be one of the fundamental pillars and significant mechanism for the achievement of the principles OSCE is founded on. In these 25 years, the Parliamentary Assembly confirmed the importance of the parliamentary diplomacy in preservation of peace, stability and cooperation among the 57 Member States. 

The Republic of Macedonia is a full – fledged Member of OSCE, thus of the Parliamentary Assembly. We actively and constructively participate in the work of the Parliamentary Assembly, above all in establishing positions, as well adoption of various decisions and documents.  

Ladies and gentlemen, 

The Republic of Macedonia highly recognizes and I believe appreciates the positive role and great contribution that OSCE through its organizational forms and bodies has achieved so far.  I would not reflect to the developments that occurred 25 years ago in the region, when we all learned that only through dialogue and building trust, respect of human rights and freedoms as well as achievement of the principles of the parliamentary democracy and the rule of law stability in our states is achieved. This is the best way to contribute to the stability in the region and a foundation which we develop our bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the whole region on. 

The Republic of Macedonia, due to the disrespect of some of the principles of OSCE, but also some other international institutions, has personally felt the lack of principality as a grand injustice. Due to the disrespect of the fundamental principles of the international law we were in a manner blocked in the achievement of our determination for membership in NATO, even though we have accomplished all conditions. The similar is happening in the opening of the accession negotiations with the European Union. Nevertheless, I sincerely believe currently, a moderate process of dialogue is initiated, thus building trust that will assist in surpassing this 25 years old problem with our Southern neighbor. In the same time, I would like to underline that in regard with the parliamentary cooperation, both in the region and wider, we always emphasize the preservation of peace and facing all challenges that can jeopardize the stability of the Region.

Similar to the past Sessions of OSCE PA, this Session also refers to current topics, thus the topics of today’s session “ Strengthening the Confidence Building Measures and Good Management of the OSCE Region” is a topic which interests us all as states and as region, and in the same time demonstrates and strengthens the role of the Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE. 

I would especially like to underline that this Session will refer to the migrant crisis as well. A crisis that remains a very serious challenge for the region, but also for Europe. The Republic of Macedonia is not the final destination for these people, but Macedonia is part of the so called Balkan route, starting from Turkey, ending in Western Europe. Since the migrant crisis started, the Republic of Macedonia invests maximum efforts, finances and human resources to provide these unfortunate people conditions for safe transit through our state. More than 900 000 refugees were in question, not forgetting the humanitarian aid, doctors’ care and everything else needed to provide them with at least minimal humane and dignified conditions that every person deserves. 

I hope that your debate and conclusions on this Topic will be a step forward in the efficient handling of the migrant crisis, which, as I underlined is not an issue for the Republic of Turkey, Republic of Greece or the Republic of Macedonia alone, but above all is a European issue. Also, we have to be open and say that this migrant crisis open great amount of issues and dilemmas in the aspect of  economy, culture, demographic and security, both for the states which refugees transit through, as well as for the states that are the final destination for these people. Also some events in the region of crisis indicate that the migrant crisis will not end soon. Hence, we need united opinion and conclusions that we will implement and achieve together. 

Ladies and gentlemen, 
Dear friends, 

Allow me at the end, to wish you successful work. I hope that this business and brief stay in Skopje and the Republic of Macedonia will be in a pleasant atmosphere and that you will see at least a small part of the characteristic of our state and citizens, above all the sincerity and the respect toward each guest of ours. 

Thank you.  


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