
Wednesday, 7 September 2016  

Address of the President Veljanoski at the Traditional Reception on the Occasion of 8 September – Independence Day of the Republic of Macedonia 

Distinguished Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia 
Distinguished Members of the first composition of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, 
Distinguished colleagues, Members of the Assembly, Ministers,
Representatives of the religious communities, 
Your Excellences,  
Ladies and gentlemen,  

In the eve of the 25th Anniversary of the historic referendum for independence of the Republic of Macedonia allow me express great appreciation to the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia who through a consensual YES realized the centuries old dream of many generations for independent Republic of Macedonia.

I would like to express appreciation to the Members of the first composition of the Assembly who translated the will of the citizens into the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia and numerous systemic laws which the legal system of our state is based on today. Simultaneously, the strategic interests of the Republic of Macedonia – good neighborly relations developed on the highest level and full integration of Macedonia in EU and NATO were established. 

Distinguished friends, 

25 years dedicated to the development of a state and young democracy is not that long of a period, but I believe that in this time numerous positive results were achieved in many areas. In the economy, culture, education, healthcare to mention just a few. Still, in my opinion, the most important item is that during these 25 years of independence the focal point was the citizen, in other words, the ones’ individual and collective rights. This, for the Republic of Macedonia and our muticonfessional society is one of the fundaments on which, I believe we will develop in the future.    

Ladies and gentlemen, 

During these 25 years of independent and sovereign state, I am convinced that we became recognized on the international scene as well, above all through the consistent respect of the principles of international laws and standards. It is a fact that in the achievement of our strategic determination for membership in NATO and EU, the single obstacle is the bilateral issue with our Southern neighbor, but I believe that the process of building trust is initiated as a first step towards the resolution of this absurd issue. 

Nevertheless, the year when we mark 25 years of independence passes by in an unprincipled political crisis. A positive fact is that the political entities assisted by our international friends and through dialogue defined the political criteria and conditions for resolution of the crisis. I would also like to acknowledge all Members of the current composition, since these criteria were translated into corresponding legislative acts and solutions, creating conditions for the parliamentary elections that are to be held on 11 December, the citizens, casting their vote, to end the political crisis.

I believe that as responsible politicians we will fully respect the will of the citizens.

With this wish, allow me to all the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia and to all of you present here to congratulate the 8th September.  

Happy and eternal 8th September!  

Long live the Republic of Macedonia!  

Thank you!  


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