
Tuesday, 2 August 2016  

Address of the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia on the Occasion of 2 August – Ilinden, the Day of the Republic

Good day Macedonia!  
Good day esteemed and famous Ilinden homeland! 
Greetings to all citizens of this state who, today come from all sides to visit the places of the famous history of Macedonia!  
Greetings to all, who in though and words, scattered throughout all corners of our motherland think of Ilinden.  

Today, the pride of our Motherland echoes around us. 
Today, the heritage of ancestors shines around us!
Today, again, in all its glory, like spring of water the blood of the Komitas and Partisans shed for Macedonia gushes.  
On this day, scattered in towns and villages, we once again hug Macedonia!  
On this day, the North and South of our state, speak in a single voice!  
On this day, the East and the West of Macedonia, celebrate the victorious end of the fight for independent and sovereign state!  
On this day, Christians and Muslims celebrate the independence of our Motherland!  
On this day, Macedonians, as well as Albanians, Turks, Romas, Serbs, Bosnians and others are joyful of the freedom, democracy and unity. 

Dear friends,  
The hands of the people who are on Meckin Kamen are strongly extended to the eternity of Macedonia.  
The drums loudly echo in the forests of Krushevo celebrating the sacrifice of the rightful.  
Thousands patriots of Macedonia are in the alleys and streets of the historic Krushevo, answering the call of the motherland.  
They are here with a single goal – mark and remember with dignity the acts of the famous Komitas who brought us the freedom!  
Hence – a grand salute, from the Capital of Macedonia, to all our co citizens in Krushevo and Krushevo region!  

In the same time on the opposite side of Macedonia- in Pelince – other part of our Macedonia, heard the internal voice and came to pay respect to the fighters of the National Liberation War.
Thousands came there to pay respect to the Partisans, who, similar to their historic ancestors, the Komitas, parted from the dearest so that today we can live in freedom.  

The voice of the Partisan Squads echoes in these Northern parts of our motherland.  
The voice of the fighters for freedom is dribbled in this part of the Macedonian land.  
The flag of the Partisans today is strongly unfurled on the Macedonian soil and will keep on flying in the centuries to eternity!  
As it was more than 60 years ago in “St. Prohor Pcinski” when free Macedonia was being built, today, the flag soaked in blood of the Partisans witnesses the continuity of the fight for freedom and coexistence in the state of the citizens of Macedonia.  
All towns and villages pulse in the spirit of Ilinden.  
Every foot of Macedonian land trembles before the greatness of the deeds of Ilinden Fighters.  
Every inch of Macedonian land today witnesses the greatness of the battles.  
Finally, today, every inch of Macedonian land manifests its endless allegiance to the Motherland.
In the same time, the heritage of Ilinden is celebrated throughout the world where Macedonians live.  
Citizens of Macedonia scattered in the world, strongly, as their relatives and friends do, celebrate this great day. 
The Churches, Monasteries and Clubs in America, Canada, Australia, Europe and around the world witness Macedonia.  
Hence, from this spot, I call upon you to sincerely greet Macedonians abroad.  
Let us extend a great greeting to our citizens outside Macedonian borders and tell them – we are all one.  
We all are Macedonia!  
We all work and create for Macedonia.  

Dear friends,  
Similar to historic Krushevo and Pelince, Skopje celebrates today as well!  
Today, the Capital of Macedonia in great glory and dignity celebrates Ilinden!  
The centre of independent Macedonian State with similar energy awakes the memory of all battles for Macedonia.  
Here, in the centre of the city, gathered before the monument of the greatest giants of our new history, we have raised another voice for freedom and democracy. 
We remember the sacrifice of the fighters from distant and newer history of our motherland.  
We strongly emphasize the famous historic role of the people from these times who continued the battles for final creation of independent, sovereign and democratic state!  
Metodija Andonov- Chento, the giant of Macedonia is a symbol of all fights won in the period following 1945 which are the foundation of the times we live today.  
That is why we are here before his memorial.  
Gathered here to demonstrate our sincere respect towards this heritage, as well as the heritage of all Macedonian patriots who were faced with the disgrace of the former socialist power because of their anticommunist democratic ideology. 
It is of equal importance, thus we celebrate the deeds of this generation of Macedonian patriots who also dreamed of independent Macedonia during socialism.  
It is of equal importance, thus we celebrate the deeds of numerous Macedonian sons and daughters who, for an idea or a word had to suffer harsh imprisonment in the casemates in Idrizovo or Goli Otok.  
Hence, glory and respect for all these Macedonian heroes from our new history!  
Hence, bow and respect for all people whose deeds someone whished were forgotten.  

Dear friends,  
Here in Skopje, the whole energy from Pelince and Krushevo and from all historically significant milestones throughout Macedonia is being accumulated.  
Here in the centre of our motherland, the heritage of the Partisans, the deeds of Ilinden fighters, but also the sacrifice of the communists and anticommunists strongly cross.  
The deeds of all these people determined the greatness of Macedonia, but also of Skopje as its capital!
Here, in the political, economic and social centre of our state, the glory of all Macedonian patriots who laid their lives from freedom equally shines.  
On the main square of the Macedonian state, today, and every day, the pulse of the whole famous Macedonian history strongly vibrates.  
The pulse is a reflection of the unity in Macedonia.  
The pulse is the answer to all divisions and discords present in the past.  
Finally the pulse is a call for unity in the future among all, when the future of Macedonia is in question.  
As today, on this spot, the energy and heritage of all past eras cross, in the future, united behind the deeds of all Macedonian heroes, we should build Macedonia together even stronger.  

Unity is our common denominator!  
Unity is our mutual aspiration! 
Unity of our next battle we have to win!  
We must not remain silent witnesses!  
We have to face the challenges bravely!  
We have to speak of the problems clearly!  
We have to extend each other a hand!
We have to build bridges of cooperation for the sake our selves but also for the sake of the state.
The blood of the fighters for Macedonia is our greatest responsibility!  
The sweat and hope of the citizens of Macedonia is a motive for reaching all the peaks of today towards the freedom and democracy!  

Dear friends,  
Macedonia has been facing a political crisis for more than a year.  
Macedonia has been a subject of unprincipled political relations that deteriorates its state foundations for more than a year.  
Macedonia is under a constant pressure for unjust change of the primary principles the modern representative democracy is funded on.  
Today, the power of the citizens given on elections is under a constant pressure!  
Today, the vote of the citizens, casted on elections is in a phase of continuous relativization and denomination.  
Citizens went to elections and voted!  
Their will is clear and unequivocal!  
The peoples’ support is crystal clear! 
Still – against all odds, today this primary democratic postulate is under a threat!  
In the flame of the political war, drunk on the wish for power – unfortunately there are people who tend to snatch Macedonia over the back of the citizens.  
We have to be clear and unequivocal!  
We have to say “It is enough”!  
Macedonia was not built to be decomposed!  
The Komitas did not lay their lives so that someone can play with their deeds!  
Partisans did not lead their victorious campaigns so that somebody, today, aside from the people, tends to accomplish their agendas that are opposite to the great idea for Macedonia!  
Ilinden, simply, does not allow that!  
All famous historic battles were not led so that someone who enjoys freedom and democracy, dissolute thereof.  
The people, united behind all great deeds of Macedonia do not allow that!  

Democracy and the respect characterizing our people do not justify that!  
That is why, I want, from this stand, as a President of the Macedonian Legislative House, to clearly extend a message that all attempts to relativise the will of the people have never had nor will ever have success.  
They are doomed and condemned! 
History is the best judge for everyone and everything!  
History, quietly, but precisely marks everyone’s’ deeds!  
One must not think to outrun the court of the people!  
The heritage of every person who was given the responsibility to work for the people shall be evaluated by the people themselves.  
Sooner or later! 
Good deeds are surely awarded, while the bad a clearly labeled!  
It used to be!
It will be!  
Everyone gets what they deserve!  
For the good – people will deliver the reward shaped as gratitude!  
For the unjust, the peoples’ court and warning awaits as well! 

Hence, as it was the case before, as first among the equal – I once again call upon unity of all political structures behind the great idea for Macedonia!  
Let us unite strongly, as today whole Macedonia is!  
Let us speak the language of unity, not the one of divisions!  
Let us stop harassing people!  
Let us make everything to finalize this crisis Macedonia is pushed in as soon as possible.  
Let us give back the mandate the nation!  
They are our only righteous judge!  
People are never wrong!  
People, and people alone, know how to reach the best decision!  
We don't have the right to any other different attitude!
I call upon an additional renew of mutual respect and understanding among the political parties!  
The political parties must not be enemies!  
The political parties must be competitive and share the same goal!  
Macedonia is our goal!  
Its future is our most important program principle! 
We have to start a new page!  
We have to speak the language of democracy!  
The citizens have been hostages of this unprincipled politics for too long!  
I sincerely hope and I shall not give up on this clear goal!  
I sincerely believe that every evil, eventually leads to good!  
I believe that we will rise more cohesive from this sad national episode! 
I know that we shall succeed!  
Macedonia has been faced with incomparably greater challenges!  
And won!  
This shall be the case now!  
Macedonia shall win again!  
The citizens shall win again!  
This experience shall be a reminder to the future generations, how the state, democracy and civilization values should be defended.  

Dear friends,  

Today, in the centre of our capitol, series of marks reflecting our famous history are proudly erected.  
The monuments and other memorials are not just a piece of bronze, as some say! 
They are a memory of one time!  
They are the image of an ideal of all important people for the citizens of this state!  
They are a summary of a famous time, which should be the basis for greater new success of all citizens of our state!  
The monument of Chento, the man who died for Macedonia is behind me!  
The man who did not compromise his ideals for independent, sovereign and democratic state. 
The fighter of National Liberation War was not reelected by the people whom he fought with side by side for the Motherland!  
Somebody, in that time, did not want to accept his great ideas for democracy, for greater independence and greater dignity of Macedonia!  
Unfortunately, this man paid the highest price for his opinion – his life!  
He was promptly arrested by the current governance and even more promptly sentenced to a year’s long punishment!  
But things did not end there!  

Somebody also wanted to erase the remembrance of him from the collective memory of the people of Macedonia.  
Many efforts were made!  
But the truth came to surface!  
The giant of the second Macedonian Ilinden was rehabilitated by the institutions in the Democratic Macedonia and was again publicly and proudly celebrated by the people!  
Hence, today, reminding ourselves of the biography of this giant, we can conclude that every deed benefiting Macedonia is remembered and finally rewarded by the people!  
No undemocratic measure can erase peoples’ memory.  
No great national deed can be covered with a procedure! 
The smoke of each activated bomb in the core of Macedonia will fade.  
Wounds will heal.
But, the most important is that the memory remains!  
This is what motivates one’s persistence and guilt one’s consciousness.  
As the family of this giant can be proud today of their ancestor, those who caused him evil will have to bear the burden of their misdeeds!  
Nevertheless, as people, we are obliged to forgive!  
It is our primary national qualifier!  
Forgive, but not forget!  

Dear friends,  
Not far from where we stand, among others, is the monument of another respected person from the Macedonian Ilinden history.  
100 meters from where we are standing is the monument of Nexhat Agolli, a man, who is also a great symbol of the second Ilinden.  
Member of ASNOM.  
Recognized lawyer!  
Minister of Justice in liberated Macedonia!  
Fighter for the right of coexistence, but also, like Chento, sentenced and prevented by some sections of the former communist system!  
Still today, the history proved itself as the best judge.  
His deed, as fighter for Macedonia, is also respected today and will be respected.  
People awarded their reward!  
Macedonia, through this example is proves to be a state built by all its citizens!

The love towards the state does not recognize ethnic or religious belonging!  
The lesson of the Ilinden fighters, through the example of Agolli, should constantly remind us that the ethnic relations are the core of Macedonia.  
We have huge heritage of interethnic life and harmony!  
History marks numerous acts when side by side Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Romas, Serbs, Bosnians and others defended the state.  
These historic lessons are the best indicator that we have civilization obligation to develop these foundations of the Motherland.  
Good interethnic relations are our quality not deficiency.  
Good interethnic relations are our plus rather than minus!  
Good interethnic relations are something we should be proud of, rather than ashamed of. 

Dear friends,  
Out of the many memorials, in the spirit of this Ilinden celebration, let us remember the deed of Pity Guli, great Macedonian revolutionary of Vlach origin, whose memorial is also nearby!  
This great son of Macedonia showed his immeasurable love to his Motherland with deeds!  
He chose to fight and bravely died together with his allies!  
He defended the honor of Krushevo, and his deed today is another symbol of sacrifice and dignity.  
That is why, today, remembering the most famous people of Macedonia we have to repeat the well known conclusions characterizing our Motherland!  
The citizens of Macedonia, regardless of their differences want to live in peace and welfare.  
While politicians similar to the fighters for Macedonia in the past must deliver concrete results!  
The results and deeds remain after we are gone!  
Courage and sacrifice in the achievement of these goals is what people expect from us!  
If we act in this manner, the next famous pages of Macedonian history will be written.  

Distinguished friends,  
The three people I have mentioned are only a fraction of the numerous Macedonian revolutionaries engraved in the essence of the citizens.  
We are obliged to respect and remember the deeds of all sons and daughters of Macedonia.  
History, carefully, as a life teacher, will bring into surface the merits of other people who invested and are investing themselves for Macedonia.  
In this context, in the spirit of unity, which is constantly present in this, but also in other speeches of mine, I would like us to also remember two their important people, who marked the modern times.   
I believe that this is important, first out of respect and acknowledgement, but even more as a message to today’s generation of politicians, that what is being made today tomorrow becomes part of the national history.  
The former is a member of the political right, and the later of the political left in Macedonia.  
The former’s name is Dragan Bogdanovski, and the later Dr. Slavko Milosavlevski!  
The first was expelled and tortured as a Macedonian patriot, while the later was marginalized and fired from the Faculty of Law for being a liberal!  
The former established the foundations of today’s modern political right, while the later established the foundations of the modern political left in Macedonia.  
Both were prevented and expelled in the past, but today, they are embodied in the history!  
Their heritage and the time when they fought and worked, speaks that what happens today, will swiftly turn into a national past.  
History is not something written by the winners, but a national memory, we daily chisel in the stones of this land.  
What we do today tomorrow becomes history, which goes through the national filter. 

Dear friends,  
The membership of Macedonia in NATO is our highest priority.  
Strongly dedicated, we stand side by side with our Western allies.  
We are aware of the constellations which are the reason for this stall of ours, so we continue the efforts for surpassing the final obstacle for our integration in the Alliance.  
We continue the discussions with the Republic of Greece to surpass the imposed problem with our Constitutional name.  
We believe that our Greek neighbors will understand that the Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonian people were never nor will ever be threat for the Republic of Greece.  

The membership in the European Union is another great priority for our state.  
Our new Ilinden will be the day when Macedonia integrates in the European Union.  
We have made great progress on the path to full-fledged membership.  
With similar dedication we continue to work in direction of achieving the great goal for the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia.  
The European Union is not the perfect project.  
But it is the best project for Macedonia.  

In this context, I would like to underline, on this great day, that the state development remains our greatest challenge.  
We have to invest even more in healthcare.  
We have to build even more new schools.  
We have to keep the support for the Macedonian farmers.  
We have to keep taking care of the Macedonian pensioners.  
We have to continue the investments in the youth.  
We have to support motherhood further.  

Distinguished friends,  
We celebrate Ilinden together.  
It is a day for all of us.  
This is the day of reconciliation and unity.  
Let us take a joint example and constantly remember the deeds of the fighters for Macedonia.  
Let us stand next to each other.  
Let us give each other a helping hand!  
May God bless this state and its citizens!  
May the memory of Ilinden be eternal!  
Happy Second August to us!
Long live Macedonia!  
Thank you. 


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