
Saturday, 23 September 2017, Pristina

Address of the President Xhaferi at the Conference “Culture and Peace on the Balkans – Parliamentarians’ Role” 

Distinguished Mr. Kadri Veseli, President of the Parliament of Kosovo,
Distinguished high representatives of the Universal Peace Federation – Europe Asia, International, Europe,
Distinguished former Presidents of Albania, Croatia and Kosovo,  
Distinguished Ms. Hatixhe Hoxha, Chairman of the Universal Peace Federation – Kosovo,  
Distinguished fellow MPs,  
Ladies and gentlemen,  

Peace is one of the greatest values of the human civilization. It is undividable and universal value which simultaneously, due to the people’s behavior is very fragile. We, people of the Balkans, have felt its fragility in the recent past, in particular after the dissolution of  former Yugoslavia and the price was high, thousands lives lost, devastated homes, annulled resources. Nevertheless, I believe that with the assistance of the international community we have realized that, everything, even the most difficult issues and differences are resolved through dialogue. Thus, each resolution of a conflict should be found in dialogue alone.

All of us from Western Balkans have defined the membership in the Euro – Atlantic organizations as strategic goal. This determination makes us even more responsible since on one hand we work at home, creating conditions for inner stability and development, and on the other hand, bares the responsibility to work on the stability and development of the Region. There is no need to remind that these are the principles and standards that are necessary for the Membership in the Euro – Atlantic organizations. 

In parallel, we are aware and realistic of the open issues and problems in the bilateral relations. I shall mention the name dispute of the Republic of Macedonia with Greece. This open issue is the reason why the Republic of Macedonia legs behind in the process of EU and NATO integration. Furthermore, the relations between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia in their own manner burden these two states in the integration processes, and it influences the overall stability of the region. And, let’s be honest, since we are parliamentarians and the parliamentary diplomacy, compared to the classic diplomacy, is more open and flexible, the unresolved bilateral disputes, that perhaps do not directly jeopardize peace at the moment, but create a less positive image for each state, as well as for the region. 

Ladies and gentlemen,

In building conditions for dialogue and resolution of open disputes, on bilateral level as well as on multilateral level, the role of the so called parliamentary diplomacy becomes more and more useful. This does not mean end of the classic state diplomacy, on the contrary, both are complementary for the common purpose, aiming to promptly surpass the open issues that can jeopardize peace in any manner. In the past period, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia had a very active international cooperation on regional and multilateral level. This cooperation was through the mechanisms that are at disposal to every parliament. In other words, the Parliamentary Groups for Cooperation with other Parliaments from Other States, active participation of our delegations in the international organizations and associations such as the Council of Europe, OSCE and others. I shall mention the exchange and trainings of the staff of the Assembly as well. I welcomed my colleague from the National Assembly of Slovenia, Mr. Milan Brglez last week. During the discussions, we have agreed that the parliamentary cooperation in the region has great and positive role in strengthening the bilateral and multilateral relations, but also in the further strengthening of the stability and the Euro – Atlantic perspective of the Region. This is especially important if the realistic challenges that may threat the peace, not only in the region but wider, are considered. Such an example is the migration crisis. A crisis in which the states from the region demonstrated that with mutual support and trust, such great challenges can be successfully faced with.

Distinguished colleagues,

Since the realistic threats to the peace are still possible, this is a highly welcomed conference. Namely, all of us, as representatives of the national parliaments, as well as our international partners and friends, bare certain experience when the parliamentary diplomacy is in question in direction of strengthening of the peace in the region. These experiences can be shared at these conferences, since I am convinced that there are lessons to be learned from the other, at least not the repeat the mistakes others have made.  We will know how to apply the new experiences we will exchange here and the lessons we will learn to the internal political scene. The findings from this Conference we, as MPs shall convey to the electorate, to the NGOs and to the state institutions. Let us not forget that today; the parliaments are most responsible for the proper respect of the human rights, the rule of law and the legal state. These are standards and principles, peace and stability on state and regional level cannot be built without.  Peace and dialogue are the foundation for the public opinion and the political culture. I believe that the responsible politicians will prevail in the region, including the ones from the governance and the opposition. Politicians who sincerely believe that peace and dialogue are the primary tool for preservation of peace. I am personally optimistic that the perception for the “Balkans – the tinderbox” is in the past. In other words, if we used to be states and region of peace consumers, now, we became active creators of the peace in the framework of Europe and wider.

The Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, in this composition, shall continue its international activities on all levels. As President of the Assembly, on behalf of all 120 MPS, I want to underline that we remain open and prepared to be actively included in the realization of each initiative or proposal that leads to stability of the region and its Euro – Atlantic perspective. Finally, I would like to thank the organizers of this Conference, which is perfectly timed. I believe that we shall all jointly work in direction of continuation of this practice that will strengthen the role and responsibility of the parliaments in further strengthening of the peace and stability of the region. This is our obligation to the citizens towards those who have elected us and our historic duty to the future generations.

Thank you for your attention. 


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