
Monday, 27 October 2017  

Address of the President Xhaferi at the Opening of the Science Conference on Air Pollution  

Distinguished Representatives of the Academic field, 
Distinguished Representatives of the NGO Sector,   
Your Excellencies, 
Ladies and gentlemen, 
Distinguished attendees, 

„Think locally, act globally“is the motto in the activities of many Green NGOs and Green Political Parties. I believe that this manner of thought, if you wish, philosophy of life, should be the foundation of the awareness for the ecology, thus the foundation of the care of the environment of every human on the Planet Earth. I personally think that as peace is undividable category, the protection of the environment, in other words the care for our planet is an undividable category. 


The local elections have just been finalized; one of the many topics thereof was the ecology, especially the air pollution as one of the main problems of the urban environments in Macedonia. Due to the time and the importance of the overall debate and adoption of conclusions I shall not refer into details to the influence of the air pollution and the climate changes on people and the environment in general, but allow me to emphasise my conviction that your Science Conference is held in the right time and that it will provide the newly elected Mayors and Municipal Councils appropriate conclusions, as well as scientific findings and measures for the activities in the period to come.

Personally, as President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, would like to convince you that I will always, in the framework of my competences, support each initiative or proposal that in direction of reduction of the air pollution and generally, benefit the protection of the environment. In the same time, I believe that this composition, both the majority and the opposition will have political will, through the parliamentary mechanisms: committee meetings. Public debates, legislation and oversight debate, to realize in practice the motto of the ecology workers.

With this conviction, allow me to open your Conference and to wish you successful work and fruitful discussion and in the same time to appeal to the local self – governance and the governance in general, to realize your conclusions, thoughts and proposals into practice.

Thank you. 


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